• Day 4

    Koloa Landing Dive

    September 19, 2017 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    Scuba. We saw frog fish, cleaner shrimp, poisonous fire worm, turtles, egg eating nudi branch, dragon eels, white mouth eels, yellow margin eel, lots of fish, 2 endemic fish (blue striped butterfly, Millet seed butterfly), crown of thorns, red slate erchin (pencil erchin)

    Mallory was our 23 year old tour guide, only Greg and I in the tour. 2 tank dive on both sides of Bay. Mallory was from Iowa, did a study abroad (marine science) diving off the coast of Panama. Once she realized she liked diving, she moved to Mexico for awhile to do research diving, then moved to Saudi Arabia to do the same. Then moved to Kauai for a summer gig. In October it's back to Iowa, then in January she's moving to New Zealand for a master's/PhD program.
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