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  • Day 5

    Guided tour & Circle line train

    September 14, 2019 in Myanmar ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    Accidentally ended up on a private tour with GuruWalks; our local guide was super friendly and kicked off by teaching us about "umbrella culture". We visited an old colonial embassy which had been converted inside to house all kinds of small businesses and families. Sadly (and unsafely), the buildings are falling into ruin due to ongoing disputes of legal ownership. Unusually for the region we saw representation for all the major faiths, including an Armenian church. We stopped at a “locals” tea house (quite different to yesterdays) for a selection of super sweet teas. Spent the afternoon on the sweaty Circle line train - although not currently a circle. We rode out to Insein with Miffy, who we met waiting for the train, which gave us the chance to see locals living their lives, which includes collecting and sorting the plastic waste. Finished off the day with a traditional Burmese foot massage.Read more