  • 日8

    Sirubari, Lamjung

    2017年1月18日, ネパール ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    Another good day today. Though I thought that being away from the pollution would have helped my cough, it only seems to be getting worse.. But, maybe I has to get worse before it can get better!

    At the school today was more rehearsal of dance and song for the performance. I really should find out when that is. In the afternoon all the students participated in a number of different games to keep active. Running races, soccer, volleyball, anything to get the blood moving. The cutest thing was the little kids games! The parents tied balloons to their legs and had them stomp them out, adorably. Wish I had had my phone on me to video it or take some pictures! But my phone was "dead" today. Too many students wanted to use it to play games. Looking at photos of home, okay but not games and movies and fighting over who gets to use it. So tomorrow maybe I'll forget it at home ;) After school two girls showed me a different way back that was literally a walk through the Jungle. So cool! The only problem with the place is that it's so hard to photograph, nothing looks as good in the photos as they do in real life!

    Oh, I should mention that I also learned to eat with my hand today. Actually much easier that I'd have thought! And clean. And actually somehow tastes better than using a spoon as I had been previously.. Maybe because now I'm feeling the food in addition to tasting it? Who knows! Next task to master will be the squat toilet... Or not. Maybe I'll just keep some of my western ways ;)

    I also had my first experience chasing a baby goat.. They aren't as heavy as you might expect. And it's day 3 of no coffee, no meat, no alcohol, no processed foods, only eating what is grown here. I look forward to seeing how well I feel after a few weeks of this!