• 日109

    Day 8 - Suva, Fiji

    2017年4月29日, フィジー ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    Today we arrived in Fiji! I was so tired despite a full 8 hour sleep that getting out of bed was a big struggle. But somehow I managed and Mom and I went out to go explore. We ended up at the Kila Eco Adventure Park to take a walk through the rain forest or jungle or whatever it is ;) It was pretty! Muddy, but very pretty. The park was about 30 minutes away from the shipyard and the walk itself took about an hour. Through the trees, past multiple different fruit trees, waterfalls, and clean clean water that Fiji is famous for. There were about 30 people in the group and maybe 4 guides walking at different paces talking to us. It was pretty nice and relaxing! Although I think that a few people found the climb a little bit intense. Especially because it was so slippery as the path was dirt and it had rained the other day. It's also getting hot and humid, 30 degrees. I'm used to it still but Mom in particular is not enjoying that haha. At least when we're on the boat there's a nice breeze while we're moving! She'll have 8 days pretty quick to enjoy that ;)

    After the walk the locals performed a Kava ceremony for us. Kava is a peppery drink that they make from crushed pepper and mix with water. It's mixed in a big bowl with a long, braided rope tail that is extended straight out towards the chief. When the chief is ready to drink they coil the rope up and serve him and then the others in the party drink. I decided to try some because one of the guides brought me a little bowl of it and pretty well insisted. I think he was just looking for an excuse to talk to me. But, it was good! A very mild taste, but afterwards your tongue went a bit numb. It's non alcoholic but apparently if you drink more than one or two you start to feel as though you're drunk? That or they were messing with us, but I wouldn't know because I only had one little drink. After that little ceremony the locals played some music and one woman was dancing. Was good fun.

    We decided not to explore Suva after the tour ended because it looked a little bit rough and Mom was quite exhausted. I do hope to get out and explore the city a bit, because it looks like the kind of place I would actually quite enjoy. Rough around the edges and not a super rich place. Kind of like Kathmandu or Hoi An but with a very different style architecturally. But apparently it's a very dangerous place to be alone so I won't be venturing out alone... Hopefully I can find someone to adventure out there with me later! We're stopped here overnight so it's possible that it could happen. In fact I'm talking to some of the staff right now who are planning to go out after their shifts end, maybe I'll have to tag along.. Will let you know what happens ;) Of course the staff at my favourite bar!

    Anyway, after returning to the ship we had a late lunch and Mom went for a nap. I'm fighting sleep so that I don't wake up feeling too too groggy but in hindsight maybe I should have napped. Was hoping to catch one of the friends I made the other night, can't do that while sitting in the room.

    Update: my friend, Joel, did come by and find me! And we connected on Facebook so now getting in touch should be no problem :) We chatted at the bar for a bit until Mom came by and her and I went for dinner. This is the same friend that joined us for dinner the other night, but instead of joining us today he was intent on going out to see the city in the evening. After a delicious dinner, where Mom and I had a private table (they're getting to know our preferences ;) ) I met up with Joel because Mom wanted to go to bed. There was a Rock Band playing at the ice rink converted to dance floor that we went to check out. There we ran into Mary and Sarah and a few others and chatted for a while. It was so loud though, and because neither of us really felt like dancing, we left to go to a quieter bar where you could actually hold a conversation. I suppose because we're docked in port overnight that the bars close early so at midnight we were unable to get drinks. Instead we went for another round of basketball. I really miss playing! And with good company. Seems like we've got a bit of a routine starting here, and being on the court together feels very natural. Seem to be able to read his mind the way I read my teammates minds back in the day... Funny how that works. It was easier to play tonight too because of the lack of wind but it was so humid! When we tired of that we went back to the helicopter landing pad and just watched the city for a while. It was a very different experience from last night, no wind, not many stars, activity and noise in the city below. But it was nice to just cool down after the intensity of the game! Tomorrow is an early start again so I called it an early night, and Joel being a gentleman walked me home. Suppose there wasn't really anything else to do at that time of night anyway ;)

  • 日108

    Day 7 - At Sea

    2017年4月28日, South Pacific Ocean ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    Today was another sea day and I didn't do a whole heck of a lot. Woke up, had breakfast, had a nap, went to the pool. Had a few drinks in the sun with the gang, and then got dressed for dinner. We went to the show today and wow was the performer amazing! She was playing an electric guitar and had a band supporting her, and they did all instrumental rock music. Fantastic. Queen, ACDC, Led Zeppelin, etc etc. I really loved it! So much so in fact that after Mom and I had dinner and I ran into Pods and Adrian, that I went with them to watch part of it again. Mom wanted to go to bed early so I accompanied them on their evening adventures. We ended up watching karaoke for a bit again before heading up to Dizzy's.. There we ran into Matt and Mel and had another good evening of chatting and socializing! I ghosted on them though at about 11:30 pm, I was so tired!もっと詳しく

  • 日107

    Day 6 - Mystery Island, Vanuatu

    2017年4月27日, バヌアツ ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    Another day in port! And wow, the bluest water I have EVER seen. Mystery Island is just beautiful!! I don't even think that I'll be able to describe how great it is here. The sand is soft, the water is a crystal clear turquoise and there is marine life everywhere. The locals were also very friendly and wow, what an amazing place. We took a tender boat to shore again and immediately I went for a swim. We then met up with a group to do some stand up paddle boarding. We took a boat from Mystery Island to the main island and got set up with some boards. There was a lot of reef and weeds here so it wasn't as blue, but the island itself with the palm trees everywhere was pretty cool. We paddle boarded for about an hour and then went back to Mystery Island. I don't think Mom particularly enjoyed the paddle boarding, she found it difficult to get up, but she had fun just putting around. I liked just watching the water changing and observing the landscape as we went around. The wind started to pick up as we were going and getting back to our starting spot became a bit of a challenge. But, the boards were easy enough to balance on compared to what we have at the cabin and I had fun!

    When we got back to Mystery Island we went swimming again and spent a good solid hour or so in the water. The island is pretty small, it took us maybe 15 or 20 minutes to walk to from end to end. With a whole cruise of people the island started to feel pretty packed.. But out in the water it wasn't so bad and we had a great time! Mom brought goggles so I swam around just looking at everything. So many fish, I absolutely love these places we've been! Fantastic!

    When we decided it was time to return to the ship we went and ate some lunch and then I ran into Pods and Adrian at the pool. I swam again, and we wandered around for a bit as well. Shot some hoops and just relaxed! Then I went back to my bar to write and actually had some peace and quiet this time around because I hid in a corner. And because the two main culprits for distracting me thankfully didn't make an appearance ;)

    Then it was off to dinner with Mom and a new friend and was supposed to be an early bed time but ended up out late again... This time because of playing mini golf, some basketball, ping pong, and then a night cap!

  • 日106

    Day 5 - Noumea, New Caledonia

    2017年4月26日, ニューカレドニア ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    Today was another day in port, and was so fantastic. We did some snorkeling and it was definitely the best that I've ever done. This port was right at the land so we hopped on a bus to our meeting spot, only about 5 minutes. And then hopped onto a boat to go out to a Marine reserve. We snorkeled from the back of the boat for about an hour and just had a blast. The water was so clear, so blue, and so warm that an hour flew by. We saw turtles, reef sharks, and octopus! Not to mention hundreds of fish including rainbow coloured ones and some that looked similar to sharks. There were also sea snakes and sea slugs, pretty cool! I was itching for more than snorkeling so I dove down to the bottom a few times to look around, probably about 8 or 9 metres? I really want to get back out scuba diving!! I absolutely love being under the water. Anyway, I can't say enough about how great this excursion was. Sharks and turtles and octopus and snakes and giant rainbow fish?! Fantastic.

    After our snorkeling adventure we returned to the ship for some lunch and then I went back to the room to clean up my stuff and properly unpack all of my clothing. And take a glorious nap. I was tired!! I went back to my pub and visited with my bar tender friends for a while as well as a few others I've met previously throughout the cruise. There are so many people who talk to me that I don't recall meeting but obviously I have... I'm just so bad with names and faces! I kind of wish I didn't look so approachable sometimes because sometimes I just want my peace and quiet haha.

    Mom and I went to catch the 7 pm show again which was some guy who was "praised" by Queen as being a great artist. We were thoroughly unimpressed though and left early to go get dinner instead. We asked for a private table this time around because we were both sick of the small talk. I swear I've told the same stories about 10 times already... And will probably have to do it each night for the remainder of the cruise. Lovely. I think I'm going to start making up wild stories and see what happens haha. We've decided that we need the boys to join us for dinner one night to make things entertaining.

    On our walk back from dinner we ran into the boys and stopped to chat for a while. Eventually I walked Mom home and then returned to have another drink with them. We watched Karaoke again for a while and saw the same people from the previous night returning to the stage. There's this one fellow named Mark who really loves to sing ;) He's not half bad either! From the Karaoke bar we went to the Ice Rink which had been turned into a stage for a country themed music night.... Needless to say we didn't participate in the dancing but observed from the bar area. When that finally wound down we went up to Dizzy's to end the evening. We ran into our other young friends, and had a blast just chatting. The bartenders there are also great and remember us as well, I love it :) When we finally called it a night and I got to bed it was about 3 am... Oops.

  • 日105

    Day 4 - Isle of Pines, New Caledonia

    2017年4月25日, ニューカレドニア ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    Today was our first day in port! We stopped at New Caledonia, a French Colony. Mom and I had picked some excursions prior to departure, so we woke up early to go to a beach resort for lunch and a hang out. Apparently, James Cook discovered this island and named it Isle of Pines without ever actually visiting the land. And it's pretty evident why the name stuck, there are pine trees popping up through the vegetation everywhere, it's quite distinct! To get to the island we took a smaller boat from the cruise ship, a tender boat, which took about 15 minutes to get ashore. From shore we took a bus for about 30 minutes to the resort. The resort was lovely! I could see myself staying there for an extended period. It was expensive though... About $20 for a drink! Ridiculous. So of course I didn't drink aside from the free beer than came with lunch. We tried to go snorkeling while there but because it was low tide it was hard to get out deep enough so we decided to pass. Instead we sat by the pool, swam, and had a good time just relaxing. Mom even went for a massage! She says it was great. I didn't feel the desire and spent some time writing instead. We had lunch there, did some more swimming, and then went back to the ship.

    I went back to my usual afternoon spot, the Crown and Kettle Tavern, where I'm becoming quite familiar with the staff. There's one bartender in particular remembers how I like my Bloody Mary's and makes them perfectly every time. Today he gave me a little heart in my straw wrapper ;) They really do go out of their way here to make sure that you're having a good time! I go to this spot with the intention of getting my blog posts done for the day but didn't have much success this time around. People kept coming by and asking what I was doing, being social and all of that jazz when I just wanted to do my writing in peace. But, I will take the compliments when they ask if I'm a professional photographer ;) Obviously I'm not, but I guess some of my photos have turned out all right! Even on the crappy camera that comes with the S3.

    After trying to write, Mom and I decided to go and catch a show at 7 pm, the Circus Firemen they called themselves. Basically two brothers dressed as firemen preforming circus acts. They were quite funny! The comedy was almost better than the circus act to be honest. But, in any case it was well worth the time :) We had dinner afterwards and I went out for a drink following dinner but called it an early night and was in bed by 11.

  • 日104

    Day 3 - At Sea

    2017年4月24日, Coral Sea ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    Today was another Sea Day! Which meant sleeping in and relaxing by the pool. I found my buddies and we hung out for the morning and afternoon. I had lunch with Mom at the buffet and then the day drinking began.... Pods, Adrian, and I also did some exploring as well. We went and found the helicopter landing pad at the front of the ship and took a few photos there. It was insanely windy up there and I nearly lost my hat! In the process of trying to save it, my drink managed to tip over far enough for the wind to catch it and spray it all over myself and a poor woman sitting nearby... Oops! Anyway, the pool was nice and refreshing, it's salt water, and the ship was moving so much that it was a natural wave pool! So much fun, and the water crashing over the edges of the pool when a particularly big wave came by was fun to watch. The waves would also steal people's shoes if they were left on the ground.

    Mom and I went to go see a show at 7 pm but decided to bail while waiting for it to start as we were hungry. I don't even remember what the show was supposed to be about, but I do know that neither one of us was really into it and weren't upset over missing it at all. After the show I went out for a drink following dinner and met up with Pods and Adrian and the karaoke bar. We listened to a few golden oldies and were intending to go to the late night adult comedy but that didn't happen. We were having too much fun listening to songs being butchered haha. We didn't stay out too too late and were in bed by midnight or so I believe. Something around then anyway ;)

  • 日103

    Day 2 - At Sea

    2017年4月23日, Tasman Sea ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    Today was a full day of cruising, and a definite lazy day, much needed. We woke up at about 10am and had a leisurely breakfast before going off to explore the ship. We walked all the levels and tried to find everything, figure out where all the fun places to be are. There are 15 levels, all but the 1st open to passengers. There's a rock climbing wall, flow rider, mini golf, basketball court, ice rink, pools, outdoor theatre, captain viewing area, art gallery, casino, spa, outdoor running track, arcade, gym, a number of bars, and a shopping area. It really is a city on it's own! The ship is the Explorer of the Seas by Royal Carribean.

    At the end of our little walking tour we ran into my friends from last night. Mom said she was ready for a nap so I hung out with them for a bit. We had some lunch and wandered around for a while before splitting up, they were in need of a nap, not feeling so hot after last night haha. I decided to head to the nearby Irish Bar, called the Crown and Kettle, to grab a drink and do some writing. I think that will be a new favourite spot for me :) It's relaxed, laid back, and they have Bloody Mary's that are covered within my drinks package, every where else they're considered premium and cost extra. One of the bartenders told me he'd even be able to make me a Caesar if they have Clamato in the back. I'll be asking him for that for sure!

    After blogging I went up to the pool deck to watch the sun set! It was pretty beautiful. Because my good phone isn't working properly I don't get the best photos anymore but I sure tried to capture it as best as I can! I went back to the room and got ready for dinner, tonight is formal night and Mom and I are going to head to the dining room for dinner. Thankfully she brought me a nice dress. I think we looked pretty great! Will have to get a photo next time haha. Dinner was superb, we were seated with another couple and they ordered a few appetizers each so of course we followed suit and ended up with way too much delicious food. Mmmmmmm cruise food is delicious!!

    After dinner we went to a show at the theatre, there were a number of different performers and they did a few different dance acts. It was pretty cool I suppose but I definitely started to fall asleep... Oops! Following the show Mom went to bed and I went out searching for my friends. Didn't find them but did make some new friends :) We had a great time together and I'm sure that I'll be seeing them again as well. These friends are two couples, not traveling together, that are very laid back and fun to be around. Looking to be a good cruise!

  • 日102

    Manly Beach and Cruise Day 1 - Departure

    2017年4月22日, オーストラリア ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    I woke up on time thanks to Matthew loaning me his second phone to use as an alarm and we met up with Mom just as planned. It was so great to see her! Lots of hugging going on and i'm pretty sure people were staring but oh well haha. Was very nice to see her again! We met at about 9 am so we went and ate breakfast at a place on the Harbour. When we were finished we still had time to spare so the three of us hopped onto a fairy to go to Manly beach for the morning. Mom's one and only beach experience in Sydney! We lugged all our luggage on the ferry and thank god for Matthew because I don't know how I would have handled mine and moms ;) She was so exhausted I felt bad for her and we offered to help out. We didn't actually go swimming but just walked over there and sat for a while, had a coffee, and chatted. The water was fairly calm and there weren't all that many people in the water.

    When we decided we had enough we jumped back on the ferry and had lunch in the harbour. After lunch Mom and I said goodbye to Matthew and we got in line to board the cruise ship. That was quite the process. First dropping off our big bags, then Australian Immigration, then security, then finally we got on board and found our rooms. The ship is massive! It's going to take some getting used to, figuring out where everything is. When we found our room we settled in as much as we could while we waited for our luggage to be delivered. Mom was so kind as to bring me my old S3 so that I can now be connected to the world! We bought an internet package, the most basic one, so I'll be able to keep in touch periodically :) It seems to work okay, and honestly I've been surprised by how well the S3 is functioning... It works about as well as my S7 was in it's final days, guess I really didn't notice how poor the performance was, probably the first indication it was going to fail on me.. Anyway, we ventured out for an early dinner at the buffet as we didn't want to deal with the dining room. After dinner mom crashed and I went out to explore a bit. I met my first friends here, at the bar of course. I walked by and smiled, then decided to be bold and go over under the pretense of needing another drink (which I actually did need). They're two guys close to my age, from Australia, that are moving to Vancouver to work and decided that cruising over was the way to go. Names are Adrian and Pods, and I think that we're going to get along splendidly! We all seem to be on the same page with our attitudes, mindsets, and drinking styles... We had a couple drinks at the pool bar, got the awkward small talk out of the way, and then went to find the "night club" on board which had a whopping 8 people on the dance floor. but that's okay! We had our own fun. Great times. Closed down the bar at 1 am and were told there was another bar open until 4 am. I guess because it was the first night it wasn't actually open which honestly was probably a good thing.. No need to be too out of control on the first night ;) Oh, I had also bought the unlimited drinks package, which pays itself off after only 4.5 drinks sooooooooo seems to have been worth it so far!

  • 日101

    The Rocks & Darling Harbour, Sydney

    2017年4月21日, オーストラリア ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    The Walking tour for the Rocks started out at Cadaman's Cottage in the Circular Quay, the smae area that yesterday's walking tour ended. The tour took us through the old part of Sydney, the Rocks. This tour was shorter and was in the evening so it was a bit cooler, I'm glad that I kept my long sleeve shirt from Nepal... not sure why I wasn't expecting the cooler temperatures as compared to Bangkok. Anyway, the tour was pretty interesting as well! We heard about some of the darker history of Sydney from days of Sailors. We heard abou how Sailors would be robbed, kidnapped to be slaves, murdered, and just taken advantage of in general. There were some pretty funny stories about all that, even though it was a dark history. Our guide was great. You can tell that the Rocks is an older area, the streets are narrow and hav cobbles. The buildings are stone and short in comparison to the neighbouring high rises and the alleys are on the dark side. There's one buiding that is raised on stilts so that you can see the old ruins below that were excavated to remove bodies of folk burried there a long time ago. In the rocks district there are 3 pubs competing for the title of oldest bar in Sydney and we walked by all of them. There really isn't a way to tell which one is the oldes, one has the oldest liquor liscense but another has older building materials, so they're in constant competition, which much bring people in so really they all win. We ended the tour by going up to the observatory where we had a view of the harbour bridge and the fair below over the water it was quite pretty. There were more than a few couples enjoying the romantic setting, until we intruided of course.

    After the walking tour I tried a frozen coke for Alanna as promised and the white truffle parmesan fries from McDonald's to kill time before Matthew arrived from Melbourne!! It was so cool to see him.

    We walked down to Darling Harbour which is quite the contrast from the Rocks. All new buidings, which some interesting architecture, but still quite tame in comparison to some other larger cities like Singapore, or even Vancouver. Seems that Sydney is fairly reserved in their architectural styles. Or would it be moree polite to say conservative? Aside from the Opera house of course. Anyway, we walked around the Darling Harbour and found a place to have dinner, a steak house. Man was it great to have a decent beer, good glass of wine, and amazing steak. What a treat! We had a blast just catching up too, I'm so glad that I get to know my cousins so well. After dinner we walked back to the hostel the long way through Hyde Park, which had a little building reflecting quite prettily off a pond. They do seem to value their green space here which is great! When we got back to the hostel it was almost midnight so we called it quits and went to bed, getting up early to meet Mom tomorrow!!

  • 日101

    Bondi to Bronte Coastal Walk, Sydney

    2017年4月21日, オーストラリア ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    I didn't set an alarm this morning and had a great sleep in. My phone stayed alive long enough for me to call Mom and catch her just before she boarded the plane to Sydney! We chatted briefly and confirmed our meeting spot before she had to go. I then decided I should do something with my day and caught a bus to Bondi Beach. And the beach was gorgeous! White sand, clear blue water. Absolutely stunning. I can see why so many people here love the ocean and couldn't imagine leaving. Especially since the beach was only a 30 minute ride away...

    I started out my beach experience by doing part of the Coastal Walk. I walked from Bondi Beach to Bronte Beach, which was only about 2km. The entire trail is about 6 km long but there were so many stairs that my knee started bothering me part way through. So after passing a few beaches, I stopped at one that had a fish and chip shop along the street. But first, the scenery on that walk was breathtaking. Jagged coast, clear blue water, lots of greenery, it was lovely. Instantly I started smiling when I saw what the walk entailed and smelled that salty air! Another reason that I stopped at Bronte instead of Bondi is that it was far less busy. Despite it being fall here there were still tons of people on the beach, although I hear that it gets a lot busier in the summer to the point where you can hardly find a place to sit on the beach. Glad I'm here when I am! The 25 degree weather is so nice and refreshing after Bangkok. I actually find myself almost chilly a lot of the time actually.

    I had fish and chips along the boardwalk that was phenomenal. I really wasn't all that hungry but it seemed like the thing to do, like when you're at White Rock. So good. So hot and fresh and yummy! After lunch I decided to change into my swim suit and go for a dip! It was chilly out but I felt that I needed to go in at least one just to say that I did :) And boy was I unprepared for the strong currents and massive waves. I had been watching the waves crash along the rocks as I was walking but it didn't register just how big the waves were until I was smack dab in the middle of them.. The first one took me under and rolled me around a bit until I came to my senses and started handling the waves properly lol. I've swam in rougher water before but after the calm, tame beaches of Vietnam I was a little bit unprepared. Of course I quickly adjusted! I loved it. I was having so much fun just body surfing and jumping through the waves. At one point I was standing in knee deep water and by the time the wave came through I couldn't touch, I'm pretty sure they were about 3 m high if not taller! The only reason I didn't stay in longer is because I had left my stuff unattended on the beach. I wasn't really worried about it but didn't want to tempt fate too much by leaving it alone for too long... Twas a blast.

    I caught a bus back to the hostel to shower and pack up my bags before heading out to Circular Quay to start a walking tour of the Rocks... More about that in the next post!


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