  • Hari 24


    29 September 2015, Austria ⋅ 🌙 12 °C

    Day two in Vienna and time for a bit of a river cruise. We didn't go on one of those monsters of the rivers in Europe, although we saw plenty of them. Looooong they are and narrow. We took the train to visit Melk Abbey, a Benedictine abbey above the town of Melk, We arrived in plenty of time to climb up to the abbey and have a good explore (this was an all inclusive ticket purchased though the train companay) around this old and well preserved complex. Then we had plenty of time to have a look around the town before catching our river boat for the cruise back to Vienna along the Danube. It was beautiful up on top of the boat for a while and then it got a bit too chilly in the breeze and we retired to the main cabin. The food on offer was pretty good and not outrageously expensive considering. We were proud of ourselves for figuring out where to switch from the train taking us from the dock to Vianna to the metro to get us back home with the minimum of fuss.Baca selengkapnya