  • Dia 56

    White water rafting

    10 de agosto de 2017, França ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

    I lost all my France whitewater rafting blog yesterday, but I will write it again. Yesterday, we woke up early because we were going White water rafting. The company was called 'Frogs Rafting' and I thought it was a funny name. We had to wear wetsuits which obviously means that the water was super cold, and it was. My fingers were numb!! We went rafting in La Dranse. There were 7 people in the boat. Us 4+2 English boys, (Henry and William I think) +Jeremy the guide. The water was not that clear because the rapids were going fast and they must have picked up mud and rocks on the river bed, not like Tahoe. There was a part where you could jump off a big rock and fall in the water. One of the English boys Henry jumped off the rock and everyone was cheering because he was brave and no one else dared to do it. Then we kept on rafting and Daddy,Mammy and Conor nearly fell off the raft! But I didn't fall off, phew 😅! Henry wanted to jump off a rock again, so we made a stop ✋. Henry jumped off 2 times and his parents were videoing him. 🎥
    This was a good experience because it was extreme!!

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