  • Dzień 27

    Lake Ohrid

    30 kwietnia 2017, Macedonia Północna ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

    Woke up out of my coma. Will felt sick. We got driven to the bus stop by the owners. We sat outside the terminal for 20 minutes before Will said he couldn't do it.
    I reorganized the bus ticket for tomorrow and we have started the stupid task of finding accommodation.
    We sat outside the burger show we ate from the other day to steal its wifi.
    We walked around and checked a few places but everything was either full or closed.
    Around 8:30 we wandered into a cafe for food but they don't serve breakfast until 10.
    I tried hostel world but they didn't give me the option to book today, only from tomorrow onwards.
    We ended up on airbnb.
    I messaged 4 different places.
    3 said no and then thank the heavens one said yes - but would only be available from 3pm. D:
    We are currently sitting in a cafe with our eyeballs falling out of our heads. I'm bored and cranky.
    Its not his fault but damn his weak stomach! lol
    I can't wait to be in counties with train systems - he does much better on them.
    We ordered a hot chocolate and it ended up being hot mousse instead which was super weird.
    There seems to be some parade thing happening out front. There is a big Croatia flag with 25 odd people in traditional dress. There are other people dressed up to but I can't see which flag.
    I think Will is kinda keen to maybe go back to the place we have been at when we have the 3 months to kill later on but im not overly keen.
    The worker with a beard - as lovely as he is gives me the heeby jeebies. He has a man crush on Will. Last night Will awkwardly misinterpreted him - Will got offended because he though the dude was saying he didn't like him when actually he was saying how fluid their relationship was and how good it is.
    Crushing HARD
    he is a big hippie.
    We can't wait to lie down.

    the wifi keeps dropping out so I have to awkwardly walk over to the shop next door, stand there for a minute before walking back. I've done it a few times people must think I'm special.
    There was a random parade thing in the square. I'm not sure why it was for but it had Croatian representatives ( i knew because of the flag) and heaps of other people dressed in traditional clothes. Potentially other baulkan nations. One group looked Romani but I'm not sure.
    I watch them dance for a while. Let's get real, It was terrible Choreography! but fun because of the traditional side.

    We were so tired and bored. But to tired to fix our boredom so we just sat like zombies.
    I ordered a shopska salad and while I waited for it to be made popped over to the shop next door.
    They had messaged us an hour before - right about the time I had given up home of being called over earlier to the house - so I raced over to tell Will the fantastic news :)
    Scoffed down my salad and we left to find the house.
    Terrible service though - it will be going in their review on TripAdvisor hahaha
    So the house was impossible to find. It was made worse because we were hot, tired and carrying our packs. We tried 2 different streets then gave up and I put my data roaming on to call them.
    They had to come meet us at St Sophia's church (which Pokémon go has told me is the oldest church is Macedonia - why does Pokémon go tell me this piece of information but I wasn't told that fact when I actually entered the site a few days ago?)
    We walked to the house and straight into our room. We slept straight from 2-8:30
    Will watched some videos until 11 then we went back robbed and slept through until 6.
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