  • Dzień 109


    21 lipca 2017, Estonia ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

    Slept from 2 - 10. Sometimes I even impress myself with my sleeping abilities.
    Obviously missed the tour hahahah
    We packed our clean washing and only just made check out - we then went to the kitchen area and had the last of our cereal for breakfast. A Canadian dude from our dorm whom we had a few convos with sat down with us and we talked for about and hour before we went to find me a magnet. Lucky he mentioned he had just bought one or else I might have forgotten 😱
    He was a really nice dude but just boring. Like, I wasn't engaged and I just wanted it to end. He was telling these amazing stories and yet I just didn't care.
    Didn't walk far to get my 6€ magnet 😓I'm very happy with it though. It's of the market place and Helsinki Cathedral which is really the only 2 places we saw 😏
    We have every intention of visiting again in the winter so we can do shit then.
    Once we got our magnet we walked to the markets because that's were the terminal was according to my google search. There were 2 sides to the port though so I thought I'd ask.
    He said we were in the wrong place and the west terminal was over 3km away 😩😩😩😩
    We walked up a bit in search of wifi. I got help from a girl in the shop - she gave me the password .... yep, I can confirm we are indeed in the wrong spot.
    She called a taxi for us though which was fantastic because I asked her where we had to meet it and she said outside - the taxi literally drove up the gutter to the front door.
    It cost us 16euro which we were happy to pay if it meant we didn't miss our ship!

    We checked In then sprint walked down to a subway we saw on the way. We also walked past the 'bad bad boy' statue so I'm pretty happy to have seen that too.
    It was such h a hot walk with all our stuff. Will finally admitted this morning that my bag is heavier.
    Scoffed down our subs then got on the boat. We found very unfancy fold down seats but they will do. So many people have cabins. What a waste of money for a 2 hour trip!

    Have I mentioned the ridiculous hair in Finland? Every guy has a pony. People have odd shaved bits and even kids have colored hair i.e. Green man buns.
    They have a high percentage of facial piercings too.

    I went to the loo before and am happy that my own sexist presumptions were tested.
    I didn't look and saw the change table sign so assumed it was the female toilets. It wasn't, it was the mens.
    While there are a lot of crazy people going too far with gender issues. This is a fair one and I'm glad my assumption because it has no valid place. Men change nappies too.
    I had a giggle though because I then went to the female toilet which also had a change table sign but there was a guy inside. We checked the sign together - he became very embarrassed and yapped in Italian I think lol
    They put their toilet flick buttons in the silliest spot. You had to completely close the lid in order to flush it.

    Woo made it to Estonia.
    I had all but walked off the boat and I already like it. It's got a medieval vibe.
    We walked the 3 km to the little supermarket we were told to pick the key up from. The Russian lady handed me a little safe thing.
    I was a tad confused but then remembered an old message she sent me about a code box

    So our front door key to the building also opens our apartment door 🤔🤔🤔 not the best security. There are like 5 other apartments in the same building - can they get into my room? 😐

    Will is an hour nap while I tried to determine why we are gonna do here. He broke the bed trying to get up (the slates collapsed) Hahaha we fixed it. If he is going to sleep on the other side from now on lol.
    I woke him at 7:30 and we went for Indian food.
    It was probably the best Indian I have had in my life and not a single Indian person was in sight. I don't know what the cooks were but all waiters were white and it was the most untraditional place ever but omg so good.
    We then went to the supermarket and bough 2 cereals, 2 juices, milk, bananas, cherry tomatoes, salami, cheese, bread and chocolate all for only 16€ 🎉

    Now home I had a look at all my souvenirs- they are all piling up I'll have to send some home with Jess 😬

    I finally emailed my sponsor child back today. It was a solid email on my part and not just a flimsy hello so I hope he is pleased. I explained to him that I wasn't in Australia.

    We downloaded all seasons of Big Bang so we are now having a mini marathon of that. I bought pomegranate juice at the shops and I'm so happy because Will hates it and won't drink it.

    I'm not even going to write down our plans for the next few days cause if I do they won't happen 😂

    We only have one towel and it stinks and it's so ridiculous because Will malts so every time I try dry myself his old hairs attach to my body off the towel. I end up dirtier than I was 😖

    Where we got Indian was a cool little area. Like redone industrial area.

    There are Estonian chocolates on the table and we are not sure if they have been left for us or not lol. I want them though.

    Oh oh oh.
    Will didn't try a single Finnish beer but had an Estonian one tonight. He hated it.

    "do you know why this tastes like?"
    "a cow"

    I had a very loud laugh.
    He kept saying it tastes how he imagined a cow pat would. He forced me to have a sip and it was probably
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