  • День 155


    5 сентября 2017 г., Англия ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    Worst sleep. Terrible headspace.
    I just want some time without any other human. Including Will. Like everyone friggen piss off.

    I wasn't coping in the morning so everyone went to go get the car without me and I slept for 2 more hours.

    I felt so sick in the morning like I wanted to vomit but I had to push through and help pack up the apartment which took a while.

    Got in the car and headed for Windsor.
    The traffic is just a joke. Their road rules and lack of signage is appalling.

    It took us an hour to get out of the city but eventually we got onto the highway.

    We stopped at Burger King because my stomach was giving me sharp pains.
    I ate slowly but felt a little better.

    Exhausted. We arrived at 3 but couldn't check in until 4.
    Went to a shopping center to pass time.
    We had to pay for parking and it was the same quality as North Epping shops.

    Went and checked in.

    And here began another craptacular day.

    We thought we had an entire apartment but nope we had private rooms.
    It was the worst check in ever. We got shown our room up that was it. No keys given, no info or wifi password, no offer for help or permission to use kitchen...

    Jess was not impressed. We were stuck in a room with a 1 year old.

    All I wanted to do was sleep.
    Had another cry to Will while Jess went to the loo.

    Shut up Jaxon.
    He pulled the air vent off the wall 😒
    Skipping a long story with a lot of stress and everyone being over life - Jess booked a hotel and we snuck out without telling them we wouldn't return to avoid awkwardness. Plan to message later.
    I was happy to stay but Jess was not because she needed kitchen and laundry facilities for Jaxon.
    She only has wet clothes too because as I'm sure I've mentioned before - the washer dryer was a piece of shit and often turned off halfway through.

    We got lost finding he place but we found it.
    Checked in.

    Jess booked here because it had laundry facilities.

    ........... so our room doesn't have a fridge and by laundry facilities it means it cost THREE POUND FIFTY to wash 1 pair of underpants.

    We bought food before hand but will have to chuck meat

    We ate at the hotel diner. I had a fancy pie. Very British.

    Jax didn't have a good night. He split his chin in the shower and the rolled off the bed into a table. Bigggggg scratch.
    Jess was on duty both times so all good lol.

    Thankfully Jax went down to bed quite easily so we were saved the screaming.

    Have I mentioned they are obsessed with baked beans?

    Went to bed at 8:45.

    Do not disturb.
    Jess organised some Bnbs for us for upcoming days.

    Jaxon likes to say Bgg. That is spelt correctly B -gg
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