  • Día 166


    16 de septiembre de 2017, Inglaterra ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    So I went to bed really late cause I was busy chatting but had to get up at 8 boo hiss. Packing took a while because Jaxon moves all our stuff around and Jess is anal about leaving the place immaculate even though we also pay for a cleaning fee when we book the place.
    Headed for Hadrians wall/ a relevant museum (Roman Army Museum) . It took 2 hours. Jax slept for 1 but was a poop for the second one which ruined my napping plans.

    Will and Jess had a argument in the car about directions which made things really awkward.
    We did eventually find the museum..
    there was a very awkward silence between us all for a long time.
    Museum was actually pretty good. The information on the walls was what it should be - providing basic knowledge along side more detailed stuff. Too many museums have skipped over the basics because they must have assumed that if you are visiting you must have ground knowledge when often we haven't.
    It had a few statues here and there and some stuff they had found but the best bit was an archery game thing where you had to pull the string and it was calculate your shot and tell you if you are too weak, hit the energy or over shot.
    Bloody jess and Jaxon 😒 wE wanted to watch the 3D movie in the museum but no.
    We couldn't could we ..

    Learnt about Romans vs "savages" (Scottish) and about Hadrian as a person.
    My heart melted. Outside the museum is a patch of grass dedicated for assistance dog toileting 😂😂😭😍❤️
    We drove around the corner from the museum and me and Will got out to see a section of the wall in the distance that everyone else was hiking. Again, we are really disappointed we couldn't too.

    We went to find food. We had maccas to assure Jaxon reached his daily nugget quota.
    This kids diet is ridiculous.
    Jaxons face is always disgusting. I feel so awkward I try to make it obvious I'm not his mum. 😂

    I had a good hours nap on the way to York.
    York full of drunks and hens
    Oh and whores.

    " there are only 2 types of mammals that don't feel the cold.
    Polar bears and sluts"
    Heh 😏😏😏😏

    Fist time in Britain we have had to pay for a toilet and it wasn't even nice.
    Didn't like York at first but liked it more as we walked closer to the centre. Still don't understand why 2 separate family members recommend it.. (Jac and Helen)
    It's surrounded by a big Roman wall.
    Seriously though everyone was off their face and it was 4pm.

    So many sweet shops
    We stopped in at Fudge and cat shop where Jess bought stuff.
    In the middle their was a Big ass Cathedral that we were gonna go in but it had a service starting soon.
    Again, I would have liked to have gone to church if Jess and Jaxon would have 😂 3/3 today.

    We listened to convos as we walked past and we couldn't understand anyone.

    We walked back to the car past a man pissing in the street (still only 5pm by now)
    We drove past the castle on the way out - unimpressive. More like a big room.
    Headed on to Leeds
    Jason likes to spit which he amused himself for like 20 minutes doing.

    We Checked in at our holiday inn. We got a double bed and a sofa bed. We got the big one - lucky! - Jess changed Jaxon on the sofa bed and left like a poo mark.....
    We went to dinner next door to the Calvary.
    I had a very British looking meal of roast and vegetables.
    They didn't have a single kids menu option - 0/10???! Like really??
    While we were waiting for the table we amused ourselves and played the arcade stuffed animal claw game. We failed haha so rigged!

    This place had Terrible service and no instructions on how to work the self service bit. Great prices though! I was stuffed and it was only 6.45£
    Jaxon threw some of his food onto a mans lap 😓
    Home and showered.
    A lot of Ryanair flights have been cancelled for the next few months (50-60 a day) but I don't ours has. I bloody hope not!
    Everyone fell asleep so quickly and was snoring.

    Oh and the museum had to COOLEST toilet wallpaper

    Andddddd Will got annoyed at dinner cause he ordered a beer and halfway through he realized it wasn't alcoholic hahah.
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