  • Hari 12


    15 September 2019, Nepal ⋅ ☁️ 1 °C

    Today was the first place that offered peanut butter for breakfast so I was all over that.
    I am having some serious and constant pins and needles in my feet. Especially my right one. 😪😪
    Off we went. Lost the toothpaste so fresh breath today. Sorry everyone.
    We walked a little bit and spotted a Pika which is from the rodent family.
    I asked Pasang what he eats and he responded with
    “They like cookies” 😂
    Not quite what I meant.
    It was so efficient and graceful and moving in and out of the rocks!

    The first bit was Sherpa flat meaning not what I think is flat but flat enough that I am super happy about it.
    Peeing in privacy is getting harder now that more people are trekking.

    Lucy flat out sucks at going downhill. She is scared the rocks are gonna move or something.
    Others were getting fed up but I didn’t mind. We each have different skills and she was genuinely fearful. She had a cry. I was so awkward about it.
    “ you want a hug?” 🤷🏼‍♀️

    Honestly our main issue is breathing. We are panting like dogs. I also had another headache today and had some pain meds.

    We saw some snow cocks which was cool. They were well camouflaged into the rocks but they were making a racquet so they were easy to spot.

    We keep running into an Israeli man and he is already one of my favourite people.
    He got to the top of a hill and saw that it was going back down and with such passion in his accent
    I have literally been laughing about it all day.
    My sentiments exactly 😂

    We got to a glacier field which was beautiful. Sounded like thunder when a small section of it caved in.

    So many rocks. It’s like another planet up here. Nothing grows.
    Just rocks and more rocks.
    They have to take a different path every season cause the landscape changes.

    After what seemed like an eternity of rock-climbing we finally made it to the top of our final hill from where you could finally see Gorakshep and Basecamp in the distance. You can see it 😭
    When we arrived we had lunch and had a group discussion about day plans because we are supose to climb Kala Pattar this afternoon but the weather just isn’t good for it. Can see anything It’s rainy. We are considering doing it at 4am tomorrow instead. I will need to have a think about it. I don’t want to climb it if there is no views. Tomorrow is also base camp and I don’t want to do anything to jeopardize making it. Walking in the dark over rocks isn’t the safest idea me thinks. We shall see.

    We went upstairs to our room. I think this is my favourite so far. Cute and cozy.
    We accidentally had like a 3-4 hour nap 😅😅

    Ok so I take back the favourite award.
    Rooms are cute but everything else sucks.
    The toilets are beyond horrifying.

    I decided to do Kala Pattar tomorrow.
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