  • Dag 5

    Day 3

    14. september 2016, Forente stater ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

    I'm getting a late start for lots of reasons. The most important is that I am not in a rush. Reason 2.. it is raining off and on all day. I had to slow down and think about how to be ready for rain. No problem.... I think.Reason 3... I have a choice of going to the next shelter about 6 miles away with one big climb up Haystack Mountain, or to keep going to the next one 17 miles away. Reason 4... I am still getting my hiking legs together. I have no reason to push it. Everyone one I've met is great and all competent hikers. I'm learning little tricks already. I hiked with Hannah yesterday, and we took a break and hitched a ride to that country store in Jay for a roast beef sub. The Jaybirds know which one, the place where we buy Shed beer across from that nice restaurant.Les mer