  • Hari 8


    14 Oktober 2017, Turki ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

    Today we explored the Gallipoli region further, including visiting the British, French & Irish memorial sites at Cape Helles & V Beach.
    We learnt so much about this region & its significance in history, including the roles of all countries involved. The blood shed & lives lost is incomprehensible.
    We had little knowledge of the fact that the British/Irish & French forces suffered even greater losses than our own on 25th April 1915 at V Beach (located on the opposite side of the Gallipoli Peninsula from ANZAC Cove), where they were slaughtered after disembarking from the SS River Clyde. Historical recounts of the day indicate that it was an absolute bloodbath with the water at the beach turning red with the blood shed there.
    Again, a very moving & educational day.
    We made the 4 hour journey back to Istanbul, stopping on the way for a late lunch at the little fishing village of Gallipoli (Gelibolu)! We enjoyed a delicious & traditional fish sandwich (fried sardine) before treating ourselves to a turkish coffee & baklava in a gorgeous cafe/patisserie.
    We are off to bed early tonight (back at Akgun Hotel), as we will be up at 3am tomorrow in order to catch our flight to Cairo.
    We might be a bit quiet for the next 4 days or so as we will only be accessing WiFi in Egypt & Jordan due to the data roaming being limited (& extremely expensive) in these countries.
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