  • Dag 2

    Marshes, bogs, swamps and lack of canoes

    22. juni 2018, Romania ⋅ 🌧 20 °C

    The little path on the right was the third time the charm #acrossRomania. The charm that quickly turned into a bog.

    As I stopped in hesitation the lady on the navigation says "go straight". Sure, let me just unpack my canoe!

    Water to the left, I'll skip it. Water to the right, I'll skip it. The middle looks clear! Nope. It's turning into a swamp after 20m, just when I thought I can rush through.

    The lukewarm water reminded me of marshes in Latvia. Only, in those, I entered because I wanted to.

    So, the idea of me going on dry and the bike in water didn't work. Mostly because I ran out of dry land. Let's think out of the box. What if I go in and the bike stays out as much as possible?

    The plan worked, kinda. At least my shoes were clean. But the bike had kilos of mud all over itself. The tires would lift it up, the fenders and the frame would scrape it off, then the mud falls into the brakes, panniers, chain, derailer. You name the part, it had mud on it :)
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