  • Giorno 268


    10 aprile 2017, Nuova Zelanda ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    First day of our tour and we got to meet our bus and btw I'm still surprised that it didn't break down even when we were driving through mountains and some roads who didn't deserve that name.
    The first stop of our tour was the Coromandel Peninsula where the Cathedral Cove from Narnia is located. Well talking about weather, New Zealand had just experienced a cyclone (we didn't have to wait to long for the next one) which meant the Cathedral Cove was flooded so we did a walk along the cliffs to at least get a look at it from above the cliffs. 💕
    The next stop was Shakespeare Cliff with it's lonely bay that 100% looked like a movie set (most of New Zealand actually does). 💕
    It was unreal and of course a perfect spot for some photos.
    One of the activities we got to do and for me a must-do in New Zealand was a bone carving course. We got to choose one traditional Maori pendant to make and both went for the Fish Hook because we liked the meaning the best. Just as last time in Bali we were not convinced on how our endresults would look like but hey I think we did pretty good, don't you? 💕
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