  • Dag 13

    Spa day

    12. februar 2018, New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    After having to put earplugs in overnight as the rainfall was so loud we were woken to the most beautiful view.

    Headed off to hot water beach where you did holes in sand to allow the hot spring water through... Omg it was hot. I couldn't believe how water tht hot could be found on the beach and the contrast between that and the cold rough seas was very evident.

    After tht the long trek to cathedral cove. We had hoped to do the snorkel trail at gemstone Bay but sea was mucky n swells. Headed onto sting Ray Bay but didn't even go down to beach just viewed it on the rocks.

    Cathedral cove was pretty but again water disappointing I was expecting turquoise water not the mucky tea colour.

    The hike there n back was hard going... Well for me. Decided to make our way towards paihia and stopped at a beautiful beach called Ray rest, which was covered on loads n loads of sea shells n hardly any lsand seen.
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