  • Dag 12

    And relax....

    8 augustus 2017, Tanzania ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    Yesterdays trip to Zanzibar was definitely an introduction to African travel. Our so called direct flight to Zanzibar with 12 passengers and one pilot stopped twice before we got to Zanzibar. First at tanga and then in a field to drop off some passengers who got in a 4x4. The final passenger had to sit up front next to the pilot and we were directly behind them. The pilots classic words of "don't touch anything" will remain with me for a while. Still it was interesting and when Oliver needed the washroom in tanga we exited through the door of the cockpit.
    When we got to Zanzibar it was much more populated than the rest of the places we have been. We were relieved to see the sign with our name on in the mass of humanity outside the airport and had an hour drive to our resort. The Neptune resort is all inclusive which makes things easy and appears to be full of Russians and germans. It is lovely to rest by the beach for a day without bouncing around in a truck.
    Zanzibar is famous for spices like cardamom and cloves so tomorrow we are doing a spice tour. However today is just ..... relax.
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