  • Día 3

    Disney Flippin' World

    11 de mayo de 2018, Estados Unidos ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    Today was Disney, all about Disney, and everything to do with Disney. After the successful Disney Tee shopping trip yesterday, Chloe and I were on point. Tie-died & ready to rumble, with three other less garish Mickey’s in tow, we left for the theme park. 

    The day stated off particularly disney-esque when, waiting in line to have our bags thoroughly - and I mean thoroughly - searched, a tiny tiny bird settled on a woman’s fanny pack (ok, minus disney  points there) and settled for the whole security ride. It matched perfectly to our mood, which only got better after seeing Chloe had got an “It’s my birthday!” badge alongside the crescendo of music as we entered the park. 

    There is little to say about the theme park that hasn’t been experienced by theme park goers a hundred times before. Granted, there were disney characters Goofying (haha) around at every turn, and the Mickey-mouse themed everything had a stupidly cheerful vibe to it. But other than that it involved some queuing, some fast-tracking, and a lot of riding (and a lot, a lot of factor 50 sunscreen application on my very high maintenance tattoos). The day was rounded off by a perfect ride on Space Mountain, a star-filled ride where you have no idea where the train is going to take you to next (rather much like the madness that is existence, I suppose). 

    Benihana is to follow this evening, and there is a bubbling excitement that overrides all exhaustion (for now). Bring me good food, sunshine and a dazzling heat, and I’m the happiest sunflower in the state. And that’s certainly what I feel like already on day three of this holiday
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