  • Jour 12

    Soaking up the London sunshine

    9 juillet 2017, Angleterre ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    We awoke to a beautiful day, the sun was shining and I'm sure somewhere outside the city birds were singing. Liv made pancakes, Steve made coffee, hotel Scott's covered all the bases.
    We decided to spend a quiet day hanging with the Scott's. The moment Adalia had been waiting for was here! (She had even told the guy at border security about this) we were taking Charlie the dog for a walk!!! Liv and Beth rode their bikes, Adalia had Charlie on his lead and the rest of us were following. Sammy and Adalia were soon on the bikes (Adalia competently riding Beth's very big bike and the girls were walking and chatting. We grabbed a coffee and turned home for some left over schnitzel.

    After lunch, while the boys caught up on Le tour, Adalia experienced the second best moment of her life, Beth did her makeup and Liv did her nails in one coat of aqua polish followed by sparkles (does it get any better). Following the makeover was a session of dressups. I'm pretty sure Adalia will cry when we leave. She kept saying how much she loves Beth.

    Liv was keen to go to church (got to love when your God daughter encourages everyone to go to church!) and as there is only one car, the boys caught the train while the girls drove.
    It was so hot and stuffy in the converted factory, and Adalia fell asleep on me which made matters worse, but I was slightly thankful that she was quiet and everyone could hear the excellent sermon.

    Following church the boys bought burgers and chips and we had a picnic at the common. It was lovely sipping wine while the kids played baseball and did handstands. We very quickly lost track of the time, as the late sunsets made guessing the time difficult.

    Bethy read Adalia two stories in her bed but all the children were very hyped up and no one was asleep before 9:30pm.
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