• Day 61

    Lake Maggiore

    May 18, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    Camping Eden ACSI €23
    Spending our third night at this large lake, the top few miles of which are in Switzerland. The campsite sells itself as being on the lake but they have had so much rain recently that some of it is IN the lake! Good bike ride yesterday. Today we set off by train get to a ferry out to 3 islands characterised by exotic gardens and palaces. The trip was complicated by first arriving at the wrong station, so a mad dash to the right one, and then by a passenger in another carriage having a cardiac arrest. Appeared to have survived after 20 minutes cardiac massage on the platform.
    Have decided to start heading homewards tomorrow via Switzerland and Northern France (these last 2 sentences are not connected!)
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