Day 24
Stage 15: Péronne to Trefcon

My knee is fine now. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 I walked 10+ miles to Trefcon with no pain. Just fatigue. It took five hours, which is kind of slow. Better slow than never.
The path was throughRead more
My knee is fine now. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 I walked 10+ miles to Trefcon with no pain. Just fatigue. It took five hours, which is kind of slow. Better slow than never.
The path was throughRead more
Traveler Sue, what a wonderful adventure! You are intrepid.
Traveler La vida es eso, continuar el viaje, perseguir tus sueños, destrabar el tiempo, correr los escombros y destapar el cielo (No te rindas, Mario Benedetti)
Traveler So glad to hear you bounced back. No such thing as too slow.