• Day 42

    Stage 61: Viverone

    August 15, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 68 °F

    Today was great! Thomas, Liam and I took quite a few breaks along the way,

    Today is the Feast of the Assumption so we were a little stressed about finding food. Most places were indeed closed, but we needn’t have worried.

    In Bollengo we came across a pastry chef making a fruit tart. When I held a 5€ note up to the window and pointed at the croissants he laughed and opened the door. Never in my life have I enjoyed a croissant more! Perfect croissant filled with perfect pastry cream. Wow!

    He told us how to get to the Bar Sole a little further on, so we stopped in there for coffees, etc.

    In the next town, Palazzo Canavese, we came across an open trattoria. We sat and had some drinks and when the kitchen opened we ordered green (spinach) gnocchi with crackling bacon, egg cream and cheese sauce for me, and raviolis stuffed with pistacchios, sour cream, chives and pepper. The meal was beyond amazing and the very friendly and talented owner made it more so.

    We also came upon two different spaces someone had dedicated to pilgrims, with stamps for our credentials, benches and shade. People here are very supportive of the VF.

    The last hour of walking was hard. The heat was on and the last part was all uphill. It’s a good thing we ate so well today because we are so zonked our dinner was just our emergency rations.
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