1.) Auckland Airport

We missed our connecting flight because of luggage delays. Still waiting with everyone else for the first bags to arrive…..1 hour 45 minutes after our flight landed.
We still need to somehow get toRead more
We missed our connecting flight because of luggage delays. Still waiting with everyone else for the first bags to arrive…..1 hour 45 minutes after our flight landed.
We still need to somehow get toRead more
We FINALLY got our bags, went through Biosecurity and made our connecting flight to Christchurch where we met Doreen and Murray.
After a brief stop at a quilt shop and cafe, we drove on throughRead more
We visited the historic Church of the Good Shepherd on Lake Tekapo before driving by Lake Pakuki on our way to Mount Cook, stopping often to take photos along the way.
Mount Cook is stunning (theRead more
Doreen and Murray took us to a salmon fishing lake where Liam caught two fish. We had them hot smoked and will have them for tea this evening.
We also visited Puzzling World, where Liam and I visitedRead more
We had a blobbing day today. We all went to the supermarket where we saw unfamiliar items. We bought honey, of course, including Manuka. 🍯🍯🍯
After lunch we split up. Murray and Liam visited aRead more
Traveler 😲
Traveler You look so happy!!