  • Hari 16

    Paris Disneyland

    17 November 2017, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

    We packed up this morning and headed back to the Explorer's Hotel at Disney! It was a pretty relaxing day...settling in to the hotel and spending the evening at Disney Village. We had supper at the famous Rainforest amazing restaurant and experience for the kids! The animals move and make noise, a storm ravages the's fun! The food is mediocre, but I guess you pay for the experience. haha. We spent the rest of the evening walking around Disney Village, enjoying the switch from Halloween to Christmas! Tomorrow is our last day in France...and will be spent at Disneyland!...of course!

    Aston had a weird rash a couple of days ago...and today, Morgan and I are covered in what we are guessing are bed bug bites!! We're not sure...they don't really seem like bed bug bites, but it's only on our exposed skin....and doing some seems as though we found a dead bed bug (flat) in the apartment we had rented...and the sheets were covered in what is apparently bug excrement! It all makes sense now....not sure how we didn't put it together when we were there!! Jay and I really need to get our "travel senses" back!
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