
april - mai 2022
Et 19-dagers eventyr av FlDi Les mer
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  • 19dager
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  • 860kilometer
  • 758kilometer
  • Dag 2

    Eastbourne first day

    19. april 2022, England ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C

    Today was my first day of my language stay here in Eastbourne. Our flight was very pleasant and went by quickly. At the airport it was confusing that our bus driver had written "Kantonsschule Schafffhausen" on his sign, not knowing that all of us were coming from the kantonsschule. It takes full 2 hours to get from London Heathrow to Eastbourne. The car ride was exhausting because the road was very old and bumpy and the seats were closely packed together. After meeting my host family which welcomed me warmly to their home i went for a walk in the neighbourhood with my friend Tim. We were astonished that all the houses were built in the same style and with the same stone and needed google maps in order to not get lost. Then we stopped at a local supermarket where we got a glimpse of the highly delicate cuisine here in the UK. I had never seen a steak and kidney mixture in a can but now I haveLes mer

  • Dag 10

    Eastbourne 2

    27. april 2022, England ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

    Today is Wednesday the 27th of April. I would say my motivation is at an all-time low, but it was never high anyway. Not to say that I am not satisfied with my host family, school, or location, but I just find it obnoxious that I am obligated by my school to sacrifice 3 weeks of my life here. Of course I have made progress and my English has got slightly better, but in my opinion it does not justify the huge amount of time i spent here. I miss out on my friends, family, and my hobbies, not to mention the time I could use to work on my Maturaarbeit and other important projects. Generally speaking I can only hope to kill time here with reading, Netflix, and phoning friends and family. One thing I look forward to is the day trip to London next Saturday. Although I have been to London multiple times, it is still exciting to get out of the peaceful and lovely town of Eastbourne.Les mer

  • Dag 21


    8. mai 2022, Sveits ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    Finally the Torment is over. I am back in Switzerland can finally feel alive again. Looking back the last 3 weeks were mostly wasted for the sake of some idealistic good-for-nothing school board members. The audacity is just unbelievable. As if we didnt already had enough on our plates. There is a distinct reason that the language stay is during the second Kanti and I would have strongly preferred having a choice whether or not I want to do a language stay. But the school never takes the perspective of the students, do they? Furthermore I find the rule that you are not allowed to stay with an other german speaker utterly stupid. If you want to speak german, you are gonna speak german anyway on the phone for example so that rule doesnt make any sense. But nevertheless I learned a few new things and vocab to use in my english. the school in general was pretty good but the classes are preparing for the Cambridge exams and for me who doesnt plan to do one at the moment a few things were useless. What i realized is that our normal coursebooks in the english lessons neglect various topics and expressions greatly. In conclusion the language stay would have been rewarding and helpful, if it had been voluntary and carried out at the fitting time with the right motivation.Les mer