World tour

February 2022 - June 2024
Always a good place to see in which country I got lost this time, on top of some random pictures of cool (or at least interesting) places and people that I bump into in my journey and some arbitrary facts and stories of my nomad life. Read more
Currently traveling
  • 159footprints
  • 12countries
  • 844days
  • 1.1kphotos
  • 92videos
  • 82.1kkilometers
  • 51.2kkilometers
  • Day 44


    April 5, 2022 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    Abandoned Banyan Camp for a new adventure. First feeling was weird, but feels like there's so much to see and Ella could be a good start. Very touristy city, and slightly disappointing. But it was a good place to eat some non SriLankan food and feel sorrounded by travellers.

    🔍 Some facts: you can go visit Rawana Cave, where an Indian king kidnapped princess Sita and locked her in (absolutely not a fancy cave for a princess). This cave has a corridor that goes all the way to Nuwara Elya, so its enormous! And also has looooots of bats.
    📍Essentials: sit on the door when taking the train to properly enjoy the trip and the views
    🏠 Accomodation: Noname Hostel
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  • Day 47

    Nuwara Elya, Little England

    April 8, 2022 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

    Arrived to this sort of cheap copy of England. It was like entering to another country from one moment to the other. Even the dogs looked english! Enjoyed the rainy days and tried to lower down a bit the pace. Met David and Agathe, felt nice to have someone to go back to (even if it was for a day) and to feel a little bit like home (in a way). Did some partying with the crazy owners, probably the best about this place was the cool environment in there!

    🔍 Some facts: most of the population in here are Tamils that emmigrated from India for the tea plantations, so sinhalese is not so spocken in here. You'll also see a huge variety of religions in the area.
    🏠 Accomodation: Laughing Leopards (amazing shower and phylosophy of the place, also expect to socialise and party aloooot)
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  • Day 48

    Hortons Plains and the end of the world

    April 9, 2022 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    📍Travelling tips: The hike and the views are very nice, and its very likely that you'll see a good amount of deers. But the price with transportation and entrance is around 25€, personally I find it too expensive for a hike. If you're used to hiking you'll find this overprised because it has nothing to envy to many other free hikes around the world.Read more

  • Day 51

    Sri Pada

    April 12, 2022 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

    After 5.000 steps at 2.30 in the moorning, finally reached the top of Adam's Peak. An absolutely amazing experience. Probably the best part of the climb is seeing all the piligrims struggle and cheer each other on the way, you see so many ages and shapes that its inspiring. The climb is a lot, is very steep and there's stairs everywhere. But absolutely worth it. Reached the top around 4.30-5.00 and waited on the cold wind until sunrise. Absolutely magnificent sunrise, don't know if it was because of the effort to get there or not, but probably one of the most beautiful ones I've seen in my life. And even more stunning starting to see how the darkness turns into a beautiful landscape.

    After this incredible beginning of the day got on a train towards Kandy. This journey was very likely to be one of the highlights of the trip so far. Met a group of Sinhalese football players who just fed me up with their generosity, so much food, they even shared their tiny sit with me, played and sang for a long time and finally got invited to a local New Year's Party. I swear I didn't want to arrive to my stop so I could keep enjoying their beautiful company.

    📍Essentials: Adam's peak before sunrise
    💡Travelling tips: right after the police office you can find a shortcut. You'll go through a trail, so you need a torch to see, and there'll be no one so might feel a bit scary in the middle of the night. But its nice to rest your legs from so many steps for a bit, and after this you'll find yourself in another way to Adam's Peak way less touristy. This is a great option for escaping the crowds right before the arrival.
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  • Day 52

    New Year in Kandy

    April 13, 2022 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

    Spent some days in this city established around a lake where all life grows around. Decided to meet here a new friend from Nuwara Elyia (Raef, from London) and spent some days together. Enjoyed a bit of the typical SriLankan New Years with sweets from all shapes, firecrackers and the traditional boiling milk (they boil it until it spills out of the pot to symbolise abundance for the year that's ahead). Did a cooking class, went to a traditional Kandyan dance, visited the big Budha, maybe got a bit annoyed by the tourist prises, went on an expedition for beers around the city and got ready for my next station.

    🔍 Some facts: every restaurant in the country has a sink on the dinning area so you can wash your hands before and after eating, because Sri Lankan food is eated with the hands
    🍴Food: Hideout Longe (a bit expensive but very good food, best coffee I've had in Sri Lanka so far)
    🍴Food: Balaji Dosai (sri lankan fast food chain, cheap and nice food)
    🏠 Accommodation: Kandy's Back Packers (the place is not very nice and doesn't really have a nice common area, but they include breakfast, dinner and cooking class and the family is really lovely and helpful)
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  • Day 54

    Dambulla, romantic date with myself

    April 15, 2022 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    Enjoyed a nice relaxing day in a hotel with a private room (for the first time in the trip 😱), went to see a romantic sunset surrounded by couples, enjoyed the swimming pool and went to visit some very interesting caves.

    📍Essentials: Dambulla Caves, Dambulla temple, sunset from top of a rock
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  • Day 55

    Sirigya, Lion's Rock

    April 16, 2022 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    Found a cozy relaxing spot and stayed in Sigirya for longer than I expected. Visited a bit this calm place with an Ucranian, Indian and Bielorussian (my country was absolutely the most boring one) and made quite an interesting group. Stayed high probably for my hole stay because of the owners of the place, but had some fun with them and learned a typical game a bit similar to poll (I was incredibly bad at it btw). Sirigya rock reminded me to a Game of Thrones castle and had some stunning views/sunsets/sunrises. Even bumped into a Buddhist parade! Was a nice place to recharge some energy, stop and think (even though travelling is amazing, often it also exhaustes you, frustrates you, annoyes you, makes you run out of energy, makes you feel out of place, and gives you lots to think about and reconsider). Even when going to Triccomale finally saw my first wild Elephant. Overall Sirigya was absolutely a must do for me!

    📍Essentials: Lion Rock for sunset (its quite an expensive attraction (30$) but in my oppinion totally worth it, some people only do Pidurangala Rock, but its completely different concepts and this rock is so full of history and amazing architecture, also you should take some time to see it and enjoy it and not be in a rush, so at least 3h are needed), Pidurangala Rock for sunrise, Secret Rock for sunset, ride along the town and stop in the lake, find the ancient undiscovered ruins next to Pidurangala
    🏠 Accomodation: Anotherworld hostel (oasis of calm and peace, the guys from the place are soo awesome (became really good friends with them hehe), really good location, the food is incredibly good, and the place is sooooo cheap)
    🍴Food: Mili's Restaurant
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  • Day 58

    Triccomalee, baby sharks🦈

    April 19, 2022 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    Spent the last week surrounded by sand and warm water in this spot. Just got here and there was really cool people in the hostel, and it invited to relax and do nothing, so that is what I did. Went snorkeling and saw fishes from all colours and shapes, and mostly SHARKS!! How exciting and beautiful that was. There was a german girl and a bangladeshi guy that I kept bumping into in so many places for the past weeks. And somehow, they were here as well! So it was nice to have this known athmosphere, and to actually enjoy their company without it being a casualty. Did a lot and nothing for this last days, some yoga on the beach with my new german friend (also a yoga teacher), biked around the bay, went for a run with a very handsome Norwegean, enjoyed the empty and quiet beaches, had some wine enjoying the company of other lost travellers, got more and more sunburned despite the big amounts of sunscream, got attacked by crows while eating icecream, started a train, tried to save some newborn kitties, saw some different cultures with the hindus and made a new friend with whom we decided to travel for a little bit together, a really cool Sweedish guy called Hjalmar. We're heading to Anudarapura from here... If we manage to leave this place!

    📍Essentials: Snorkeling in Pigeon Island, Sri Thirukoneswaram Kovil Temple, Nilaveli Beach
    🏠 Accomodation: Wanderer's Hostel
    🍴 Food: Queen Bee (nice western breakfast), Trinco Lanka
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  • Day 63


    April 24, 2022 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    Did this part of the trip with Hjalmar, had a lot of fun and visited many many historical places (probably enough rocks for a while now). We decided that the road looked calm, flat and easy enough to do some adventure and get a motorbike, and we ended up with a very old motorbike (and overpaying for it) that even had gears (so truely a learning experience), but we loved it! So it was a good way to feel safe to get a bike on our own after this. During this days I had to put away my budget a bit so we could adapt and be a good team (which worried me a bit) and drank a bit too much beer and had all non sri lankan food we could find (which leaded to junk food basically). But it was nice to break my "routine" and let go for some days. Also, did a field trip to the ayurvedic hospital (moment I had been waiting for a very long time) because of a rash I got on my back, what a unique experience! Got prescribed to avoid pineapple (what a gift to have an excuse to refuse this fruit) and sea food and to eat lots of cucumber and watermelon and got a weird oil (looked and smelled like tabasco sauce) and some veryvery interesting pills. Could not get the information for what it was for and what it was made of, but seeing the pharmacy and how they made it was more than enough to feel back into one of the pottery classes of Harry Potter.

    💡Travelling tips: there's plenty enough of monuments, ruins and temples for free or a reasonable price. So it's not necessary to spend 30$ on the main entrance, you can enjoy more of the same on the surroundings.
    📍Essentials: sunset in Mihintale
    🍴Food: The Walkers
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  • Day 65

    Finally, Jaffna!

    April 26, 2022 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

    After saying for over a month that I was heading towards Jaffna... Finally made it! No tourists/travellers could be spotted on the area (only met the two guys who were also staying at my hostel), the city felt something like a mix of Sri Lanka and India, the atmosphere felt different, and so did the people. Everyone was less smiley and the streets felt somehow less clean and poor, but keeping the Sri Lankan essence. The undiscovered beaches and the roads were something to enjoy, full of colonial ruins, and everyone would turn around and looked at me surprised, probably same reaction as I would have towards an elephant. Biked and biked around the area, stopping for every interesting place I found, enjoyed the company of Lars, a dutch guy, and had some real conversations (something I was really needing for a while), enjoyed a coconut that a lovely man got us from the top of a palm tree, haunted some dosas and just got lost on the mistery of Jaffna.

    📍Essentials: drive along the coast and the islands, Nallur Kanthaswamy Temple
    🍴Food: Malayan Cafe
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