World tour

February 2022 - June 2024
Always a good place to see in which country I got lost this time, on top of some random pictures of cool (or at least interesting) places and people that I bump into in my journey and some arbitrary facts and stories of my nomad life. Read more
Currently traveling
  • 159footprints
  • 12countries
  • 843days
  • 1.1kphotos
  • 92videos
  • 82.1kkilometers
  • 51.2kkilometers
  • Day 94

    Bâo Lac (bike trip🏍️)

    May 25, 2022 in Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

    Plans had to change last minute due to the bad condition of the road. Because of the heavy rain there where landslides, fallen trees and floods everywhere on our way to the National Park of Ba Be. So at some point we couldn't cross the river because of a huge overflow. We had to drive all the way back and find another way, so it would have been to long to get there, so we ended up finding another way and ditching on Ba Be. Still we found an interesting town with a very nice market, and we decided to go towards China from there. So Sebastian decided to go back to Hanoi from here, so it was departing time. It was a sad and a weird feeling to spread after so many days, we were already such a formed group.
    💡Travelling tips: you'll find that they have wifi even on the dirtiest and most simple places, so always ask for it because you might be surprised!
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  • Day 94

    Cao Bâng (bike trip🏍️)

    May 25, 2022 in Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    Gabi and I drove towards China on our own. We found a beautiful place to crash and did some yoga. And... Sun came back!!! Still we are the only tourists (at least foreigners) everywhere, what a blast. But the end of this biking trip is getting closer, and I would keep on riding with Gabi for sooo much longer still.

    🏠 Accomodation: Luong Son Homestay (only con is that they don't serve breakfast)
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  • Day 95

    Almost in China! Ban Gioc (bike trip🏍️)

    May 26, 2022 in Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

    Drove towards Ban Gioc waterfall, visited different ethnic villages on the way specialised on different works (incense village, paper village, metal and stone), which were truly beautiful, but so poor and basic at the same time. You could see the big gap with the more modern areas. After that we went to the very expected waterfall, which wasn't so beautiful because of the rainy season and the water looked brown and choppy, but still you could feel its power and strength. After that enjoyed an astonishing vieepoint hidden behind a pagoda, had a quick nap, and visited a cave. This town was super interesting, but surrounded of national tourists. So even though we were the only foreigners, the feeling of being lost wasn't so strong.

    📍Essentials: viewpoint of China and waterfall, traditional villages, Ngoc cave
    🏠 Accomodation: Lan Homestay (food was expensive but amazing)
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  • Day 97

    Camping in Thác Nâm Tra (bike trip🏍️)

    May 28, 2022 in Vietnam ⋅ 🌧 22 °C

    Drove around the frontier with China for the day and enjoyed the immensity of the mountains. It felt so cool to be so close to such a powerful country! After that decided to go to sleep to a lake, but because it was to rainy for the hammock, rented a tent from a man we found on the internet and camped on a super priviledged spot with the best views ever! Made a beautiful fire (that disn't last for long because we had to hide from the rain), suffered some wine rice (what a bad taste!), Got mud everywhere, swam a little bit and woke up literaly insise the lake!

    📍Essentials: camp in Thac Nam Tra
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  • Day 97

    Last stop, Bac Son Valley (🏍️bike trip)

    May 28, 2022 in Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

    Working our way back to Hanoi to bring back the bikes, which feels sad and exciting as well, because I loved Hanoi, is such a vibrant and alive city with a real essence, but at the same time this trip has been so amazing. For sure one of the highlights of my trip. I will miss Saperlipopette sooo much! and for instance, Gabi as well, it has been incredibly cool travelling with him and it feels weird to think that tomorrow we will part separate ways, because I got so used to being with him all the time, he is with no doubt as adventurous and random as me (I'd say even more) and he reminded me that this was the way I wanted to travel and not the way all the "tourist backpackers" I've been meeting on the way. My physical activity has gone to 0 since getting the bike, so it will be nice to bring some movement back. The valley was incredibly stunning, and we got to see it from a gorgeous viewpoint (Gabi looooooooooves viewpoints so we are never missing them), it was supposed to be a 1h hike (incredibly steep btw) but we did it in 20 minutes (compensating our lazyness for a day).

    📍Essentials: Na Lay Peak
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  • Day 98

    Back to Hanoi

    May 29, 2022 in Vietnam ⋅ 🌧 26 °C

    Finished at the same place were we started... Decathlon! (Because I keep losing my random stuff that I can only get there). It was nice to come back to a known place. I must confess, even though there's not much to do in Hanoi, it's a city I like quite a lot. We got invited to many beers and wine rice (even though I said I wasn't gonna have any more) and to an amazing soup (maybe we payed it by listening to a very drama queen monologue). After that escaped to our always recurrent night club (Tom's bar), but not after drinking a 5 liter beer. Had our last dance as a goodbye, and next day, very hangover did some egg coffee so Gabi could leave having tried all the essentials and I took the day to do some "recados". Back to being on my own after such a long time, and at the same time back to being the center of attention everywhere! How much does it change to be with a guy than a solo girl on the street. Also had the best creation in the world for lunch! All the best foods mixed in one dish (avocado, mango, coconut, icecream, nuts and fried banana). If there's something I am really gonna miss from Hanoi, it's its amazing street food variety and price.

    🍴Food: egg coffee at Giang Caffee, avocado place, street food
    📍Essentials: rent bike from Green Farm Restaurant, the owners are so fucking amazing and good price deal (they literaly invited us to so much tea, coffee, beer, wine rice and even a bit of their family dinner)
    🔍 Some facts: rent in Hanoi is incredibly expensive (same price as big cities such as Paris or London, but considering the Vietnamese salaries) so people live in really small houses that often don't even have a kitchen and with a lot of people. Also you'll se that literally every place is settled outside and inside there is only a small kitchen (you can't walk on pavement because its full of super tiny chais, tables and motorbikes parked). But vietnamese law doesn't allow putting tables on the street. So in order to do that they need to monthly bribe policemen, paying really high and variant prices.
    💡Travelling tips: VPbank is the only bank with no commission for foreigners
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  • Day 100

    Phong Nha, caves paradise

    May 31, 2022 in Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

    Visited this small town surrounded by a National Park full of some of the most astonishing and large caves in the world. Did some easy trecking, drove around the park and visited a beautiful cave that looked like you were inside a marble palace. Even though the place was very nice, it was fully designed for tourists and you had to pay pricey tickets for everything. So turned it into a short stop, and continued my way towards south center of the country

    🔍 Some facts: the biggest cave in the entire world is located in here, in order to visit it you need to book it with at least one year advance and pay at least 3.000€. It's an overnight visit.
    📍Essentials: Paradise cave
    🏠 Accomodation: House Village (they pick you and drop you on the bus station, includes breakfast and has free bikes use around the town for a very cheap price)
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  • Day 101

    Huê, Imperial City

    June 1, 2022 in Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

    This city, which was the capital of this empire many years ago, has such a beautiful citadel and a very alive market. It's surrounded by tombs of great characters done with so much detail and dimensions to prove their greatness and leave a proper mark behind. Also drove around the perfume river, visited an amazing abandoned water park (such a "hidden" gem) and drove till the beach, where locals go for a quick swim and have some seafood with some beers. Still, Hue is a very touristy town (I feel like the southern I go the more touristy made it is), where motorbiks overwhelm you offering you rides and it's hard to find out of the track activities or places, nor move around in a cheap place.

    💡Travelling tips: the best way to travel the country is to buy a motorbike when you get there and sell it before leaving, you'll save lots of money and headaches by having your own simple way of transport!
    📍Essentials: Abandoned Water Park (you might have to bribe the guard to enter, but when I went I was lucky and didn't cross paths with him), Market
    🍴Food: Lien Hoa (very cheap vegetarian food)
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  • Day 103

    Da Nang

    June 3, 2022 in Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    As south as I go everything becomes more expensive and less authentic, adventurous and different. So trying to navigate with the deception, and my budget being strangled, has been a challenge for the past days. Many things I had to deal with started to have to become a priority, so my days in this city were actually mostly on a nice caffe trying to organize myself (and still have so much to do). I am not much of a planner, so having to put everything together was a bit stressful (an extra added to my stressed "Ihatetouristystuffbutdontknowhowtoescapefromit" self). A new update to my life is that I finally decided to go to work to Australia, so I could make some fast money, which kinda moved all my plans or expectations so I could make it happen (also my savings). This means that my next destination will be Cambodia, and I'll have to rush myself to the south in order to reach some deadlines. Still, Da Nang was an interesting city, not to touristy, and a nice break from the "I have to see everything" vibe that other places gave me.

    💡Travelling tips: how to get the best and most authentic vietnamese food in three easy steps;
    1. Search for the main street (or nearby) on the city center
    2. Get into a place that looks basic (the plastic small chairs is a must), unhygienic and overcrowded by locals
    3. Point at what their having, no questions asked.
    📍Essentials: Dragon Bridge fire up (21h weekend), quick stop at Cham Museum (at the moment it was for free because of covid), Son Tra Night Market
    🏠 Accomodation: TrangHomstay (the host is sososo nice, helpful and desinterested that makes the place a 10, also great location)
    🍴Food: Bánh Xeèo Bà Durõng (Vietnamese pancakes, a dish is very big so it can be shared by two), smoked ice cream
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  • Day 105

    Hôi An

    June 5, 2022 in Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 34 °C

    The famous beautiful city of Hoi An is probably a must do for every traveller visiting Vietnam, and that's probably the reason why it's so crowded and made for tourist. The pretty town has a bit of the Venice essence in a Vietnamese style. Even though you appreciate the beauty and style within every step you take, you also feel in a fake stage made for entertainment. Prices in here are as high as they can get (hopefully) and when night comes, walking and seeing two feet in front of you becomes challenging, because the lanterns light up and the river is full of boats. This city is a must do with no doubt, but taking more than half day for it won't take you anywhere.
    Walked around the place many times, renewed my wardrobe (it was finally time) and did a failed attempt of visiting the beach and the traditional villages of the area that ended up in relaxing in a hammok with an awful lemon juice on a calm spot, escaping from the tremendous sun and the infinite touristy places, with a new argentinian friend I met, with whom I've been hanging out for the last week (even though I did most things on my own, which was a nice mix)
    💡 Travelling tips: the transport near this city is incredibly expensive, so moving from Da Nang might help you save a lot of money.
    📍Essentials: Hoi An old quarter
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