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  • Dzień 6

    Sandown to sunset, not likely.

    23 maja 2023, Anglia ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

    Well after they've had breakfast, another cuppa, sat in the sun and read a bit they finally decide to do something.
    Them off to Sandown on the bus which runs outside for the afternoon. The bus teks um all round the houses, literally, going up the same road twice just to service a little estate, they even went passed the 'Airport', anyway they get there eventually and get off to walk up the prom like old gits do.
    Oh dear at least 3 of the large seafront hotels have been closed and left to deteriorate, one has even lost it's roof. Unfortunately this seems to be the pattern for the rest of the town. As per the norm these days, lots of empty hotels, shops and just charity shops. The sandy beach looks OK, but not many people about really on a super sunshine day.
    They decide to go in search of the micro brewery he's read about, it looks closed but when they try the door its open just no lights on. They ask for a couple of pints of the house brew, but 'computer says no' the bar person turns on the pumps but the beer is frothy and warm not saleable. This day ain't goin so well.
    They leave and head for what seems to be the only other pub open, Flannagans on the front opposite the Pier. Two pints of Goddards and lunch on the patio in the sunshine helps to improve the day.
    After another walk along the prom and along the Pier avoiding all the amusements crap, they catch the bus home, Sandown is officially a 'shit ole' and certainly not what it was when they last visited but that was over 40 years ago!
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