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  • Day 18

    Sunrise over the Seine

    September 24, 2023 in France ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

    Now as any of us knows her, she dow do mornings , except tuday cause himself forgot to close one of me skylights un it was lighter than normal when her roused. So her was awake, so med sure he was un all, un the kettle went on before 8. They opens me blinds un the sun's just cummin up over the other side of the Seine so of cause her has tu tek some photos. Her loves a sunrise or sunset photo or three! It turned a little cooler last night so there was a mist on the surface of the water, and one lone Swan swimming up the river.
    After the sun was fully risen a family of 7 swan's swum up river before taking flight towards Rouen. Fliipin eck, it's like BBC Autumnwatch
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  • Day 17

    La Maillers-sur-Seine

    September 23, 2023 in France ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

    We're on the move agin but this time weem goin inland. They fancies a night by the River Seine so they con watch the boats going up un down the river.
    Not a bad ride, a bit of rain but I managed to out run it.
    We ends up a lovely town called La Maillers-sur-Seine. Well they drives down to the aire un there's a load of French people sitting alongside the rowd to the entrance outside marquees eating baguettes. They stonds up un starts waving at us and jibberin summut in French, which we cor understond. They points to the entrance to the aire un we con see a notice saying it's shut till midnight. Well that's buggered it, anyroads the Frenchies has a nother goo at explaining and the gist is it's a rally and music night for bikers so in thend we decides to go in anyway as we dow want tu leave before midnight so should be okay. As it works out, they shut the road for the motorbike meet with food un live music just after we arrived.
    After gettin through barrier she turns when she hears a voice say 'yoe alright, got sorted', it's unny a bloke from the shit ole which is Wolverhampton!
    After lunch, un watching two big river cruise boats goo up river they gets bikes out fur a ride along the Seine. There ay much tu see on bike ride an as the suns now come out its a quick look a the town they come back un sit un enjoy the sunshine 🌞 . They even saw a nighttime cruise ship. The skies so clear I con see the stars.
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  • Day 17


    September 23, 2023 in France ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

    Well, that was a right ole night, rain in the bucket full un it woke er again early. We ended last night with a rainbow 🌈 un started the day with another. After watching the tsunami of water run down me window, they decides to to give the market the swerve. We set of for our next stop, by way of the supermarket. Christ, that was a big bill, just shows how much you save by mekin your own wine 🍷.
    Right thems given me a blast up the motorway to eat a few miles up, it's nice to stretch me legs every now un then.
    After stopping fur lunch in the lovely picturesque E.Leclerc supermarket car park while it pis...ed it down on us agin, we are off to Beuvron-en-Auge one of Frances beau villages.
    It's a beautiful chocolate box type village with timbered houses. It's also supposedly the town where painter David Hockey is reported to have lived. Thems stopping at an aire agin tonight, but it's okay sheltered under the trees 🌳 .
    They has a walk into the village to stretch the legs, gauld blimey you should ear the thunder ⛈️ but they meks it back without gettin wet . Result.
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  • Day 15

    Prancing about the Peninsula

    September 21, 2023 in France ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

    Well that was one rough night, it bucketing it down for hours and the wind has buffeted me back un forth but this morning the suns shining and all is calm.
    Them's off for a bike ride around the peninsula today but as per the norm they faff about for so long by the time them ready it's clouded uver un its as black as yur hat..... if you had a black hat!
    But they push on regardless I must admit I'm surprised hers got back on that bike but fair do' hers off.
    There's apparently 11 beaches on this peninsula and they see a fair few of um.
    Lovely beaches mostly sandy and boards everywhere with great views out to the estuaries and beyond, and a typically Breton idilic village. They stop in the only bar open for a drink before comin back hum un they gets here just before it starts raining agin and this time wi thunder.
    After a while himself decides to goo fur a walk along the estuary, e ay bin gone more un 5 minutes before the eavens open, he comes back like a drowned rat, poor sod.
    Well weme on the move again tomorrow after a visit to the market, wonder where we'll get to?
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  • Day 14

    St Jacut-de-la-Mer

    September 20, 2023 in France ⋅ 🌬 22 °C

    Well er slept all night till about 7 am and was dreading gettin out of bed in case legs, arms, shoulders etc. hurt after her bike topple . Remarkably her dow hurt any more than usual. So..... Result. Them stopping on us planned.
    Right then today's movin day, albeit just a short distance . Thems heading for St Jacut-de-la-Mer a small peninsula with views and beaches with a stop off at Saint Briac-sur-Mer for a coffee un leg stretch.
    But the weather's changed it's bloody windy up to 45 mph gusts, I ay used tu all this rockin un rollin, it's meking me feel queasy.
    Saint Briac is a quaint little village with a ruddy great church in the middle of it and and lots of boats bobbing about on the estuary.
    Over bridge and onto the municipal camping site at St Jacut-de-la-Mer but the office is closed till 3 so they back track to the supermarket for a few supplies and lunch.
    Back to the site and the winds still blowin a hoolie, he just about gets all the jobs done, water fetching un honey bucketing before it starts raining and boy is it raining, I'm getting soaked. Hopefully it'll be better tomorrow.
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  • Day 13

    St. Malo Citadel

    September 19, 2023 in France ⋅ 🌬 19 °C

    Today's market day in St Malo so them off fur a shuftie to see if any thing tempts um. Off they sets on the bikes in to the town un along the prom. There's 2 big ferries docked in the harbour, they must have come in overnight.
    Well Today's the anniversary of when she fell uver last year on holiday, we knows cause it's her mum's birthday and the anniversary the Queens funeral. That's the day when she hurt her hand un knee so what does she do to mark the occasion, she falls off her bike into a bush, again hurting her knee un the hand hers just had operation on. Her ay too bad a bit shook up an aching a bit but they carries on with the day, you cor let the buggers win.

    Well the market was a bit of a flop, handbags and clothes on the out door one but the indoor had, fruit n veg, meat, fish un cheese but they wor tempted.
    Back on the bikes un they peddle thru the town to the Citadel, fur those who dow know, that's a town within walls. They leaves the bikes outside the walls as the roads are narrow un her dow fancy riding uver the cobbles un falling off agin.

    They walks around the narrow streets with all the tall buildings, it's full off restaurants and shops, you certainly won't gu hungry here. They've decided to have lunch out today, just a case of finding somewhere where they can A, read the menu and B, don't sell Mussels and other crappy sea food, and doh get him started on oysters! So guess where , yep a Pizza restaurant. Pizza, Calzone, Cidre and a beer. The Cirdre was served in a jug, un he had tu drink out of a tay cup.

    The table next to them is occupied by 4 Americans un they strike up a conversation, they ask were them from un when they say near Birmingham they say 'Ah Peaky Blinders '. They are on a tour of Europe, they've done Ireland (Dublin), England (Buck Palace and Stonehenge) and now France ( Paris and Mont Michel). Everything they know seems to have come from films and TV series. Yo gorra loft eh ya?

    Bit underwhelmed by the citadel to be honest, all rebuilt after the war but has no charm, buildings are all grey stone and very samey. After lunch they return to bikes un have a short ride along the prom before heading back um. The weather's starting to change, cloudier, windy and certainly cooler.

    She's starting to stiffen up so we'll see what she's like tomorrow morning , we may have to start heading home a bit earlier if her ain't too good.

    The evening ends with a rainbow 🌈 over the town.
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  • Day 12

    St Malo here we come.

    September 18, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    Well we had a right storm last night, thunder, lightning and a right load of rain. But it's dry this morning, thems up early as we've got a bit of trek over to St Malo an we need shopping on the way. He wants to get there before lunch otherwise they cor get in till after 2pm un that's a waste of a morning. Luckily he booked this site last night on line, it's an allocated pitch but its okay, near an exit gate and with a bit of view of the harbour, which is nice for me cause we may be here a few days.
    After a spot of lunch they gus fur a walk round the Fort. Beautiful views of the harbour and they can see the Citadel and Fort on the other side of the harbour. Round the corner and you can Dinard, he ses you con get a water taxi over to there, she's not convinced but we'll see. They comes across what look like gun turrets full of bullet holes, at least of three of um. There's a memorial garden for them to look round and then they comes out at the town with a ruin of a church.
    After a rest back home with me for a bit he gets his bike off me rack un gus fur a ride while her reads yet un other book.
    While getting the BBQ out ready to cook a nice steak from the charcuterie the lady opposite spots me flag on my rear and comes over un asks where in the Black Country are we from, hers from Dudley, small world ay it.
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  • Day 11

    Granville and Jullouville

    September 17, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

    Well we ad a right old rain storm last night she'd got up to use the lav , as yow does about 5 ish un she gets back in bed just as the 'evens open just like someone turning on a shower it was so loud it even woke his lordship then it stops just like that. Rain again when they wakes but it soon stops.
    They decides to take me for a run into Granville, he's worried about parking but has got a couple of places in mind un they can alus use the bikes.
    Looks like nice town with harbour and shops. The first parking space her ain't keen on an its up an hill, she's not sure she could bike back up it so they tries the other parking place and same problem. They decides to give up on G G Granville.
    They drives south to Jullouville, he's found a prom un they parks up and gets the bikes off and off they go down the cycle lane to the prom. 'Oh oh computer say no!' No bikes on the prom. He's not best pleased so they go back to the road and rides into the town for a drink and a snack. They walk the bikes back along the prom for a bit just so he can see the sea before heading back to me, about 4 miles in total . Back to the same aire as last night un their same pitch is empty so that pleases him. Weather's turned out nice after the rain, quite a bit of sun and about 23 degrees. Wonder what tomorrow will bring.
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  • Day 10


    September 16, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

    After the war memorial we starts to head towards the west coast, they gives me a bit of a burn down the motorway as we head towards Granville.
    We decides to try the aire at St-Pair-sur-Mer.
    I dow hold up much hope, let's face it, it's Saturday the weather's okay un it's by the sea, no chance. But hold up there's unny room on the aire, it's a big un, just a glorified car park really, but it's got services so they decides to stop for 2 nights hoping to visit Granville from here tomorrow, its unny a few killies they could get the bikes out.
    After lunch, yes you guessed it, baguette un cheese a bit pate today as well, they walks into town.
    A few shop, 2 butchers, 1 fish shop a florists and the regulation bolangerie. They buys some meat fur tomorrow's tea and then as a stroll along the beach.
    The beach has a swimming pool that is filled at high tide by the sea which is a good job as it gus out miles, almost as bad as Weston-super-Mare.
    It's clouded over this afternoon un we've ad a bit of rain but not too much,
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  • Day 10

    American War Memorial

    September 16, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

    Well they've bin avin a think about we're to go next, an decided to put a few miles on me clock an head further west but fust weem visiting the American War Memorial just up the road at Colleville-sur-Mer.
    There are 9388 burials here in a cemetery overlooking Omaha Beach. Yet another beautifully kept memorial which consists of a semicircular colonnade containing maps and narratives of the military operations. At the center is a 22-foot bronze statue entitled The Spirit of American Youth Rising from the Waves.
    Whilst   wandering around they came across a stonemason carving a new headstone for an unknown soldier. 304 unknown soldiers are buried among the other service members. Their headstones read “HERE RESTS IN HONORED GLORY A COMRADE IN ARMS KNOWN BUT TO GOD”.
    A most remarkable place kept in immaculate condition in tribute to the fallen.
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