• My host, Joanna

    December 24, 2017 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

    This is Rob's wife Joanna, matriarch of the family.
    She too is a transplanted Dutch burgher who has had her problems, chief of which was a brush with cancer 20 years ago. Having won once, she is confident she could do it again so limits her roll-your-own Drum consumption to before, during and after meals, (where 'after' is the time until the beginning of the next one).
    Jo has been working very hard to get her Dutch supermarket up and running, spending most days down there. She has been helped by one of her children, Jacinta, who lives nearby having married a Spaniard and producing a son. Jacinta's 2 brothers married and moved back to Holland with their own offspring.
    Joanna's mother also lives in Holland. Bizzarely, she refused to acknowledge her daughter's illness and has not spoken to her since. After several rebuttals, Jo has given up the attempt to communicate.
    She leaves plenty of white sandwich loaf with squashed meats and cheese for lunch and on her return home in the evening around 7:30 she insists on frying us up a dinner, for example of meat in breadcrumbs with cheese fried in breadcrumbs.
    With luck she wont discover that I have been stealing lovely oranges from an adjacent, abandoned orchard.
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