  • Dag 196

    Port Vis-ions

    11. mai 2019, Kroatia ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

    Corinth had a colony in Sicily, Syracuse, whose tyrannical ruler Dionysius the Elder, founded his own colony Issa in the 4th century BCE to control shipping in the Adriatic Sea. Issa then established its own colonies, such as Aspálathos, (Split,) Epidauros (Stobreč), and Tragurion (Trogir). It was an independent polis until the 1st century BCE when it was conquered by the Roman Empire which had no use for it.
    "Issa" may have meant "spas" in Illyrian or maybe it was just the Pelasgian word for "island". Who cares?
    The well protected harbour of Vis, (the town,) lies in the Bay of Saint George (Uvala Svetog Jurja.)
    I had a quick snack by the old Roman theatre, now buried under a monestary, (closed of course,) then sped off to my next workaway.
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