  • Hari 14

    Part 1: Kampot Pepper Plantation

    12 Maret 2018, Kamboja ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    So today we are off to the famous pepper plantation farm and Kep. I've split this day into 2 footprints as I have too many pictures to choose from!

    We hired the scooter for an extra day and took an extra change of clothes in case we decide to stay the night in Kep. The road to the Plantation was pretty rough but Will did an incredible job of steering us round pot holes! We stopped at a "Secret Lake" and then to the Plantation. It was really fantastic, with lots and lot of pepper tasters. I was truly peppered out by the end! For those that haven't tried Kampot Pepper it's really fruity and only gives a light pepper kick at the very end and you eat it non dried. The plantation also grew many fruit trees including mango, banana, papaya, pineapple, passion fruit and pomegranate. We then had peanut butter and jam sandwiches before heading back on the nightmare road and then to Kep.Baca selengkapnya