  • Gün 34

    Food Glorious Food!!

    22 Aralık 2018, Hindistan ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    Today we are spending the whole day with Adi. The plan is for her to pick us up in her swanky Jag and then we will go on a foodie/ finish off our sightseeing tour. She was going to an exhibition in the morning and as last night was an unexpected late one and traffic was so bad she wasn't able to pick us up till around 2pm. To be honest it was a good job as I was finally feeling a bit peckish again 😂

    First we drove through an area called Bandra which was quite the higher class shopping district. We then headed for our first stop for food at Bombay Canteen. Adi ordered quite a few dishes and to be honest we were happy not to make a decision for once and just role with it!

    Adi said we should also look at the menu and see if there is anything that we like the look of. Will saw a dish that was basically made from sheep's testicles. When we got talking to the bar guy he said it's pretty good so we went for it. Honestly we thought it would be minced up testicles... It wasn't... It was just 2 testicles in a porcini and cream sauce. I would rate it 4/10. None offensive but not very tasty.

    Then we carried on looking at the menu even though fullish/ new we would be going to another restaurant next, but we saw Gulab Nut, which was Gulab Jamun soaked in Old Monk Rum with Pistachio cream. Oh my goodness I died and went to heaven! It was my 3 favourite Indian things in one. I'm still dreaming of it whilst writing this blog days later!

    Our next stop was Shiv Sagar for Idli. My brother LOVES Idli so we thought we would try it. I must admit it's not my favourite but it's OK.

    Then we had a bit of a break and went to a shopping mall where Adi needed to pop in and see her friend's shop as they were having a beauty treatment sampling for customers. So we joined in and had a bit of a laugh. The lady was in disbelief when she tested my skin and the result was normal. When she asked how I wash my face, I replied "With Water", she then asked with facewash? To which I replied "No". She then asked do I use moisturiser or a cleansing routine. I said I don't and she just looked at me with horror. She was so surprised that I have normal skin and don't use anything at all. Will went through exactly the same process and it was pretty fun haha We then all got given samples and then headed off to our next place, Shanti Snacks.

    At shanti snacks we tried 3 different dishes and once again they were all super tasty! But this was the icing on the cake, we were now super full!

    We finished off the day sight seeing at Haji Ali Mosque (honestly if you go to Mumbai skip this. Its absolutely disgusting and dirty inside. You have to take your shoes off and the floor is just covered in food and litter, it's shocking!), a really lovely Jain temple and then we finally walked around Hanging Gardens at night.

    The night ended back at Adi's house were we sat and chilled out. It has been such an amazing last day and we are unbelievably grateful for all the love, kindness and generosity that everyone has shown us during our stay here. We are super sad to leave.

    Mumbai wasn't what we thought it would be. There is an obvious difference between the rich and poor, it is a bit crazy and busy, but honestly it's an Asian city! Everywhere is over populated and it just can't cope with it and I think all the documentaries that we watch just don't give the city fair justice.
    Okumaya devam et