• Day 19

    Coptic Museum & Metro

    February 16 in Egypt ⋅ ☀️ 70 °F

    Back in another uber (btw; all trips under $3). This time, we were off to the Coptic Museum. This area of Cairo has a rich Christian/ Catholic history. There are many Catholic churches. We stopped at St George, and the most famous, The Hanging Church. So named because part of it is built over the southern gate of a Roman fortress. I believe it was called The Fortress of Babylon. Unfortunately, the fortress was closed, but the museum was not. The museum is full of artifacts from ancient Christianity, including the oldest known book of Psalms.
    Instead of ubering home, we noticed a Metro station next door. We didn't even know there was a metro in Cairo. Always looking for adventure, we said, "Why not. It turns out it's a regular modern metro system, and the stops are listed in both Arabic and English. The metro dropped us off about a 15-minute walk back to the hotel. We had to traverse a busy crowded market, but we stopped and bought some bread and snacked on the way home.
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