  • Día 7

    Arrived in Nairobi

    8 de enero de 2016, Kenia ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    One thing I leaned from Jack – always say yes! On our 1.5 hour flight to Washington, we were starved. The lady passed with water and soft drinks. We asked if she had snacks. She said she would try to grab some from first class. Jack takes a ceasar mix juice. Stewardess jokes “all that’s missing is vodka!”. Vee says “well if you want to grab that from first class too, we won’t day no”. Stewardess takes out mini vodka bottle and wishes us a happy new year. Returns with cheddar cheese popcorn! CHEDDAR CHEESE POPCORN! better snack then when they give you food. Saying yes is fun.

    Then onto to two very uneventful flights to Nairobi Kenya. We were almost disappointed at how easy our arrival here was. We had booked a hostel from our second layover, and they offered to pick us up. No line ups at immigration. No security at all on the way out of the airport. The most eventful thing was our driver having to change the rear tire before taking off! Flat. Took 15 minutes. Seriously disappointed at the lack of complications.
    Well that and the fact that the visa application requested the name of our husbands, and if not married or father. You know you’re not in Canada when…

    We got to our hostel, asked where the food was, and the lady (super nice) just ordered a guy sitting outside to walk us over to the closest restaurant. Personal escort! And to top it off, we had booked a mixed dorm. Anne, the hostel chief, didn’t want us sleeping with boys, so gave us a private room. 12$us for these lovely digs:

    Not a bad start people! Not bad at all.
    Onto Ethiopia in the morning, we’ve now decided to flip our itinerary around and do Ethiopia, then Rwanda, Uganda and finish Kenya. Made that decision on the second flight over!
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