  • Giorno 51

    It's tomorrow!

    21 febbraio 2016, Uganda ⋅ 🌙 -5 °C

    Tomorrow, tomorrow! I had a great day today but it's tomorrow! You'll have to wait and see!

    Today we walked from 9am until 415pm around the crater lakes next to Kibale national park. There's about 10 lakes you can hike through. Jack had spotted a map that was pretty detailed, so of course we took pictures of it instead of buying it... Lol! So on my phone we managed to do a heck of a lot of ground on our own today, from lake to lake.

    The hike wasn't too challenging. For all the incline there was decline. Hot and sweaty by the end anyway. The views were absolutely incredible. The people all say hi. Some kids follow, some ask for money, but for the most part really friendly and simple people. We had a great satisfaction in being able to do it ourselves. So many people say you should take a guide everywhere, mostly so they can get paid. But with decent team work and confidence, we did it ourselves! Asking people for directions along the way was actually rare, and we were mostly right with our gut!

    We attempted to make our way to a waterfall but some guy showed up saying we had to pay 15000 each to go, with no signage anywhere saying so and no signage indicating that we were even on the correct route so we refused of course and made our way to the river that feeds the waterfall instead. We got to soak our feet and refresh ourselves from the super hot day. It was perfect! Until the crowd of children and teen boys around us got overwhelming... Asking for our mango, our orange our water, wanting my camera. Randomly laughing. They were brewing banana beer at the water so it was clear those teens were drunk and so so obnoxious.

    Drinking is an issue, especially in the rural towns... Every man we crossed at least smelled of alcohol. It was impressive. Old men, middle age men, walking crooked at 1pm and yelling random things to us... I'd walk into a shop and be followed super close by someone who reeks alcohol and doesn't understand a personal bubble... The only times I've ever felt more aware of my surroundings for safety purposes is with clearly drunk men. It's an issue. I guess when you have nothing else to do all day...

    Anywho, it's tomorrow! It's tomorrow!
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