  • Tag 11

    Day 10 - Wayne Horse and Wine Fest

    25. August 2019 in den USA ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    Today was a good day. It started with most of us sleeping late except for Doug. He had to help Nicks daughter with the dog who got sprayed by a skunk. The basement gets no light so I got up around 10 thinking it’s like eight. Andrew didn’t realize he got up at noon. We went to a local pancake joint and I got the most expensive pancake meal ever ($16). During the driving we noticed the transmission slipping so we got some kind of fluid to hopefully help.

    When we got back to Nicks he was actually there with the band. We talked to all the guys for awhile. Dennis got me good. He comes up to me and goes “awww man you got some syrup on you” and I actually looked this time around and got poked. We then got ready and made our way to the gig several hours early on their request.

    The gig was at a super nice country club and was a fundraiser for the local police. The food they had was pretty bad. The pizza was cafeteria level. The dude who who hired us was wearing the same shoes as me, but probably full on name brand.

    We had to start half an hour late because of an even they were doing. While playing a little girl jumped up where we were to dace for a ton of songs. She even fell down and tried to make it look like a dance move. Then some kid started playing pass with his dad or something and they felt it smart to do so pointing towards us. One throw hit the wall behind us almost hitting me and bounced in Doug’s amp.

    The second set was more of that but instead of the kid catching he was throwing it to some woman. They almost hit us several times. We ended and packed up and drove to South Bend for the night. Overall a good show regardless and I felt my playing was strong.

    Today we’re playing a benefit in Cleveland for the Hagans who had a sister who recently passed away.