Wagmatcook First nation

Not too much of a lay in today, a fair few miles to do to get across to Cape Breton and the Bra D’or lakes, first we have to navigate the exit through the narrow entrance of the cove down windRead more
Leaving St Marys River late on the tide meant we had only a few hours before dark and Port Bickerton looked like the most handy hide hole. And a great opportunity to add to my light house photoRead more
For no apperent reason were in Sherbrooke. We saw it on the chart, it had appeared to be a good safe anchorage and secondly there was a town for food and re stocking and there was a tourist attractionRead more
I thought st Mary River deserved a mention its own right. It was 8 miles of river that we needed to be negotiate on the way to Sherborne, which was our planned destination for the night. It is one ofRead more
Today was forecast sunny all day, with friendly winds. We thought we take on some tricky nav through the islands and channels. 30 nmiles of rock hopping and Pot dodging. But what a view. Nobody here,Read more
Total sun all day with 15 to kts wind could be better. Haven’t seen a boat for 3 days then a fishing boat comes over for a chat and gives us a couple of Lobsters as a welcome to Nova Scotia gift.
We were a bit more ambitious with this trip, it was only forecast 50% fog today. So we went through a few narrow channels although when the fog came and you were in them it, was intimidating. ThisRead more
Quick lunch stop on route