  • Dag 27

    Day 27: Flavignac - La Coquille

    8. september 2016, Frankrig ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    Distance: 29.5 (639.9/1230.4)
    Weather: 24C, Drizzle in the morning, later warm
    Mood: Getting a little bored...
    Blisters: 0
    Staying at: Camping Le Perigord Vert

    Why we walk the camino

    Walking the camino is a real effort and requires time and dedication and even more so discipline to see it through to the end. You only get such dedication through real motivation, so why do we walk the camino?
    I have observed sofar that there are two broad groups, group one consists of the pensionados who just love walking and think even 800k+ is a fun distance to walk. Group 2 are the "lost and searching" . These people have either lost something or are looking for something and in most cases both. I have tested my theory and it seems to work.
    Lisel and the couple from Twente are members of the first group and the others I met are all in group two.
    One of them lost his very successful travel business just before he was ready to retire and he walks to disconnect and find some peace and sanity in his new more simple life.
    Another camino-goer was addicted to drugs and felt this could be a way out of that way of living, they have lost themselves...
    Another person wants to change professions after a year of sickness and other troubles and is looking for insight and just being away from it all.
    Everybody in group two has a story and they tend to be heartbreaking and breathtaking.
    My story is much less extreme, yet everyone I meet seems to recognise mine. I lost my paradigms for success and happiness, which has knocked me off balance and am looking to regain some balance through this camino.
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