• Day 15

    Day 13 in Malawi

    May 23, 2023 in Malawi ⋅ 🌙 64 °F

    We took the morning to do laundry and pack for our adventure tomorrow through Friday. We are going on a 2 night safari in South Luangwa Park! Four game drives! Don't expect much internet there. It is 4 1/2 hr drive from Lilongwe. I will still write up each day, and if there is no service, I will upload those days when we get back.
    We went out to Dzaleka to
    have another conversation with the family who had asked for money to pay off "someone" who would help expedite their exit from the camp. This time the son was present, and he speaks English and was able to explain that no one had asked them for money, but his mother was worried and wanted to be prepared in case someone did ask. I am trying to find out more about the refugees' plight, what the process is to get out and be resettled. I have so many questions and not many seem to fully understand the process. There are many rumors spread also. We returned home, had Supper and I almost finished a second cushion cover, but quit so I can get to bed early. We meet the driver at 6:30 am😴🥱
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