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  • Day 25

    Days 24-25

    March 30, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

    Distance travelled 787kms
    Next town Balranald

    A very remote part of the river, I have not seen another person or boat since leaving Maude 2 days ago. There is the odd Homestead and shanty, otherwise no signs of civilisation and no mobile coverage. Not as much wildlife as I would have thought, a herd of goats, the odd cow and what I think was a feral pig grunting and snorting near my tent last night. Still plenty of birds though.
    Redbank weir is coming up tomorrow, the last one thankfully.
    All going well except I have multiple little bites on my torso. Not mosquito bites, but I wonder if they are some type of flea or mite. Sprayed the bedding with repellent, so hopefully that will sort it out!
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