  • 日15

    Lunch at Lago de la Casa de Campo

    2017年1月21日, スペイン ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

    Based on last nights fail of a meal we were somewhat hesitant to sit down to another meal in Spain. Ever.

    But as the trip around the park and the lake had taken us (and especially Nathan) well into lunchtime we needed to settle somewhere. The first spot we tried had lost of people sitting outside post park run or cycle drinking beer. However when we went inside and asked for a table we were politely told that tables were only for eating and lunch would only be served from 13:30.

    This really got us worried that once again our timing was out and we were too late for breakfast and too early for lunch. The next stop put paid to these worries.

    We sat down at a sunny table outside and the waiter immediately came up and asked what we'd like to drink. We asked him if he had a menu (in english) and from there the awesome fun started. He brought us a menu and told us that we should have the 3/4 kg grilled meat, which came with chips and deep fried peppers and if we wanted a salad. We agreed with this brilliant plan of his and also ordered 2 beers.

    Well, the beers came with a small plate and a mound of paella (chicken, pork and prawns), then the small mixed salad turned out to be a massive Niçoise salad and the small bread we ordered for Kirsten four loaves (so under he prescribed amount of loaves and fishes but only just).

    And then. The grill. I anticipated a mixed grill of sorts where it was all cooked and we just had to eat. Oh how happily wrong I was. We were brought a small braai that I was thought how to use in Spanish. All I really understood was 'rub the grill with the massive piece of fat and don't put any of the mass of salt I've given you on the uncooked meat'.

    Wow. What a meal. I think we may never have to eat again. And best of all? It was 5 cents cheaper than the mess of a meal we had last night. Wins all round.