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  • Day 42

    William Creek

    February 20, 2018 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

    Got up early so I could do all my morning preparations before sunrise before heading to the eastern side of the sheep station to enjoy the sunrise.
    I the proceeded to the kitchen where Cara was cooking us a lovely breakfast. I helped prepare for the packed lunches we would make after breakfast.
    We left Beltana to go towards William Creek.
    We went by a friend of Cara's called Talc Alf, originally Dutch he immigrated to Australia at a young age. He now lives as an artist, in Lyndhurst, doing sculptures in talc stone. He also developed his own interpretation of letters origins and use that for names and countries as well. He was what most people would describe as a character, but he made a lot of sense and was so friendly.
    We drove to some ochre pits where we could see the different colours of the clay depending on the iron content. Cara did an aboriginal initiation ceremony where we painted eachother with the three colours. White for acknowledging we were there, orange for a wish upon the person we painted, red for a wish for ourselves.
    We drove on to Marree where we had our lunch break. We were traveling along the Oodnadatta track, a gravel road following the Gahn railway which doesn't run here anymore due to rain.
    After Marree we had 204 km left for William Creek, a bumpy ride. We had stops along the way at Lake Eyre Australia's largest salt lake and a bubbler, a natural pool of water bubbling up from under ground.
    We got to William Creek where we had dinner in the pub, which is the only thing there. We had a dress up party, themed "never would I ever" so we all wore stuff we wouldn't wear in public.
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