• Day 10

    Mauritshuis Gallery in The Hague

    August 16, 2024 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 72 °F

    I love viewing great works of art with my own eyes. Pieces I have seen in books are one thing, but viewing them in person is better. I like to see how the pieces are hung. Are they displayed alone, on a wall, framed, what else is in the space, what is written about it?

    The Mauritshuis Museum is full of Dutch master works from Rueben’s to Vermeer and Rembrandt. Most iconic was the Girl with the pearl earring.

    When I went the museum was very, very , busy and at first viewing, the Girl with the pearl earring, felt similar to viewing the Mona Lisa with 8 layers of people deep. But magically the room cleared and I had a chance to stand in front of it. I’m always surprised at how painters can make a spotlight appear in one area of a painting and the rest be in the dark. Amazing. I’m glad I came.

    Oh, and the other great works of art were impressive also.

    ~Travels with Pam
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