  • Giorno 46

    Stowe, Vermont #1

    28 settembre 2014, Stati Uniti ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    Headed to Waterbury and the Ben and Jerry ice cream factory after breakfast. The factory wasn't operating on Sunday but the tour was still bery informative and entertaining. Although Ben and Jerry sold the company they are still involved in a more PR role and they ensure the company continues to be socially responsible. The company's commitment to supporting their community and other important causes such as marriage equality and world peace is very commendable. We continued on to Stowe, a beautiful town with the iconic white steepled church and surrounded by beautiful fall leaves. We wanted to go to the Farmer's Market to look for corn and were told at the Visitor's Centre that we could walk along the Recreation Path. A couple of hours and about five miles round trip later we had seen the market and not found any corn!! Had lunch in a Mexican restaurant and looked around the town. On the way back we drove up to the Von Trapp Family Lodge. Saw the graves of Maria and the Captain in the grounds ofntheblodge. The views from up there were fantastic and the leaves are clearly starting to colour. The reds are really showing up on the hills in the distance. Had a look at the shops in the town before driving back to the grocery store to buy corn for dinner!! Had to finish packing but after all the walking today we were pretty tired.Leggi altro