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  • Denmark,

    15 janvier 2019, Australie ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

    The climate in Denmark is much cooler than Perth and has a lot more overcast days, when it is actually quite cold. In the evenings it was always cold, even on a warm day. This made sleeping easier and allowed me to sleep in. I could even go for a run after 8am and not feel like I would collapse in a sweaty mess!

    So I had a relaxing and fairly wholesome few days in Denmark. The boys would be up with the sun and go fishing imediately-they could entertain themselves eternally with a line and some bate, and they caught a couple of big Black Brim just off the jetty on the site. Meanwhile Jenny did her work and I would do yoga and go for a run.

    On the first day we just chilled out at home and caught up on all our news, whilst the boys played with their cousins. Then on Wednesday we went on a tour ran by the park on a four wheel drive bus to a beautiful beach called Boat Harbour. We were lucky that the weather improved and we had a beautiful sunny day. However the wind still added a small chill and only a few of us were brave enough to go in the sea. I was one of them, the sea was too beautiful not to try.

    The next day was cloudy and cool again and I was offered a place on a free tour of a winery. Sounded like the perfect way to spend a cold day, so I went with two Australian couples and we had a great time. The winery was owned by a British guy and he gave us a tour if it himself, he was full of passion and information. It was the best tour I have ever had at a winery, I learnt a lot. Then we had the tastings.....18 of them. We had whites before lunch and reds after. We all shared some wine with lunch as well, so I ended up a little tipsy as it was a light lunch.

    It was a great day and I returned in high spirits. Meanwhile Jenny had taken the boys to a river where had caught loads of fish and they wanted to go back, so we all went off to see the evening in there. However they were low sinkers and Jen had seen one hung on a tree in the middle of the river. She told me I would reach it and took me to see it, but I was in hysterics when I saw it as it was right in the middle of the river, so I declined the challenge. But soon Harper lost another sinker and I had to unhook his line from the bushes, which meant wetting my feet. When I realised the water wasn't cold I decided to help them I stripped off and jumped into the dirty brown river and swam to the rescue. It was a good, funny moment and it provided another few hours fishing, which consequently brought it plenty more fish. By the end we had 7 Black Brim, all of which I had killed, gutted and de-scaled. I was glad to use the skills I acquired on the boat, nice to know I hadn't forgotten how.

    Finally we returned home at sunset and we fed the pelicans the fish heads. It was a great ending to what ended up being a pretty busy few days, when I expected to read and chill out a lot.

    The next day Dave and Cat drove to pick us all up and take us back to Northcliffe. We spent the afternoon in a brewery having lunch and beers and then we stopped at Denmarks famous Green Pool for a swim, as it was another lovely hot day.
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