  • Hari 27

    Worlds Most Dangerous City, Lapaz

    28 Januari 2017, Bolivia ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

    La Paz

    Lapaz has a reputation of being one of the worlds most dangerous cities

    We were making a swift-as-possible stop here - but didn't want to leave without knowing a little more about this pumping city

    We decided to go on the walking tour - we looked out for guides with red tshirts - the back of their tshirts quoted 'I survived the worlds most dangerous city walking tour'' glup! 😳

    Usually these walking tours are free - but the Bolivian government is if the view that no tourist activity should be free - and so a fixed fee (though it was totally worth it!) is required on top of tips

    First we were told about the worlds most craziest prison (the entrance to which were only a few meters away 😳) I'm not going to say much about this prison 'San Pedro Prison' as my version won't do it justice (pun-intended) there is a book made about this prison called 'marching powder' also due to be made into a film by Brad Pitt

    We were then told about 'Choletas' the Bolivian traditionally dressed women (Bowler hat 🎩, two long plaits on either side, a whooshing long skirt)

    The bowler hat is actually from England (thanks to Charlie Chaplin) the hats made were two small for the gents heads (Bolivian are known to have potato shaped heads) and so the big order of bowler hats were palmed off as a fashion accessory for Bolivian women (it still did not fit their but simply rests on top of their heads

    The whooshing skirt is to accentuate the child-bearing hips whilst lower calf of 'Cholettas' being reserved those worthy

    Apparently, there is quite a skill involved when woo'ing a 'Choleta' using hand mirrors to dazzle to chasing them through the fields

    But you don't want to cross the wrong side of a 'Choleta'. Some are known to be competing in the 'Choleta wrestling 🤼 match' which you can attend (two times per week)

    We were given a history of Bolivian politics... this is definitely one to read up on.

    The 'witches market' is also another area we visited - this is mostly a tourist attraction with streets lined with tourist merchandise but also items simpler to those that we came across in Arrequipa (skeleton of baby llama) potions and powders of alsorts.

    Again, there was a lot of importance on Pachamama (Mother Earth)

    The tour also included a visit to the market stall where we tried this delicious mashed potato balled with cheese filling and fried - Hmmm!

    This was it for our tour in Lapaz... it was a crazy busy city but given its reputation - we didn't want to hang out there for too long

    Next stop - overnight bus to, Uyani, Bolivia 🇧🇴
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