  • 日14

    Alpine Meadows

    2018年5月31日, カナダ ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    Sunny and cool after a comfortable if unassuming night in Sun Peaks and back down the road to the 5. Heading north the road was quiet for the most part, though a construction area delayed us 5 mins or so. Stopped briefly at Little Fort then North Thompson Park for a short stroll.
    Arriving at Clearwater we struggled to work out where things were as it’s so spread out. We did discover our accommodation was some 20k out so turned round and finally found the main amenities and eventually the Wells Gray visitor information! Excellent warm samosas with a tarragon sauce from Buy Low for lunch. The i provided maps and advice and we decided to head north for a bit to the first set of (spectacular) falls on the map. This also had the benefit of a Magnum and hot dog if we had required. Spahat Falls thunder down some 60 m through old volcanic flows though the valley is some 300 m below. We did a short hike to Spaden lookout. More tomorrow.
    It was time to make the quest for our accommodation in earnest. Back past the Hog n Hop and then south over the restless river and railroad. We picked up the road and followed the sign that indicated 20k. For a while we followed the railroad then climbed a bit and 8k out the road became unsealed. A little further up we found three vultures on a roadkill. Our lodge is in a beautiful setting overlooking lake Hallamore. There are hummingbirds a loon on the lake and reportedly bears. Though we haven’t seen one yet.