We headed out of the town of Povazska with the van packed with everything needed for the weekend and our first stop was the Slovak astronomical clock located in the village Stará Bystrica which is the biggest wooden sculpture in Slovakia, according to village information. It originated in 2009 with Slovak sculptor Viliam Loviška. We also stopped and had the lunch special at a local restaurant (pork tenderloin with postmarked and mushroom sauce) which cost about 20€ in total for everyone.
We drove on into the mountains with a quick stop to take in the amazing views. We arrived at the home of Marta’s mother and dropped of her and the boys and then continued on to the Museum of the Orava Village, 3 kilometres away from Zuberec, at Brestová, a unique open-air museum of the Orava Village where we spent about 1 hour. Over an area of about 20 hectares is a village containing the typical folk buildings moved here from various regions of Orava.
We enjoyed meeting Marta’s extended family over a coffee and some korbàčik (a type of string cheese). Our accommodation for the next two nights is a small but very nice B & B sort of place.Read more
Yes. I’m the brother.
Thanks this makes a lot of sense 😂