  • Gün 19

    Koh Tao

    6 Haziran 2017, Tayland ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

    Having had my few days being on my own again, Luisa and Corrie came over to join me in Koh Tao after our break of each other whilst they went to go visit Koh Phi Phi.

    The first two day's were absolutely beautiful, the sky was blue and the beaches looked stunning. After my intense couple of days it was finally nice to enjoy some time relaxing on the beach and topping up the tan.

    However, unfortunately the next few days weren't so great with rain and overcast weather which sadly ruined our plans to go to a famous viewpoint over Koh Tao. We also wanted to visit another beach on the island called Shark Bay to go snorkelling, as apparently the sea life there is amazing. But, despite this we still had a fun time and enjoyed the night life the island had to offer, finishing the evening with a mandatory ham and cheese toastie.

    Through our lack of activities, we resorted to food as per. We discovered THE best burger restaurant called Hungry Hippo and after that meal I was certainly put in to a food coma. It was one of the biggest burgers I have ever eaten, unable to finish it was something for me, seeing as I am usually someone who can demolish anything put in front of her.
    On our last day, Luisa even took the plunge and got herself the tattoo she had wanted which turned out great and looked very good on her. Me and Corrie however only spectated, having heard the sound of the needle I was certain I would never be able to get a tattoo myself.

    So despite not having the best weather, we still occupied ourselves with food, tattoos and shopping. I even treated myself to a new bikini. 8 days later I was finally leaving Koh Tao, an island I had become very fond of and was very sad to leave. However I was extremely excited for Koh Phanghan where the full moon party was awaiting us.
    Okumaya devam et